Retinal Scan...Searching...

Retinal Scan...Searching...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

There is no Safety in FaceBook

...or anything you put on the WEB.

Woman stripped of disability pay over Facebook photos...

FB like any social network has no real security. It's not the government (even that, look at what happened to last month). Employers, those screening job applicants, divorce and insurance lawyers, anyone can access FB, twitter, and not need any private investigator to follow a suspect's habits. And since it is not regulated, anything on the WEB is still public domain. Anything you post (or anyone else posts about you) can and will be used against you in any public scrutiny. And once posted, you can't take it back. As for this Canadian woman's case, is FB therapeutic? let the psychiatrist decide. Not some insurance clerk.

FB hackers don't need to have FB! Just a system that can read it. Any media can be misused. Examples: A girl sends a pic to a friend; that friend posts it [sexting]- who's at fault? Twitter going to a movie, come home to see it burglarized. Have your kids ever YouTubed the inside of your house? Parents post a baby bath photo, and get arrested. Answer a CraigsList ad for a used car, "bring cash only" to a Montclair neighborhood; gets mugged. And any information can get corrupted- see my face in a cartoon?

Facebook Safety
"Think before you post."

Once posted, can be corrupted

Friday, November 27, 2009

Star Trek: Klingon and Romulan Intelligence Desks

The Klingons were originally portrayed as the primary antagonists in the 1960s. A Cold War existed as much as with the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics then. Expansion from Q'Onos [Moscow] was twofold. A buffer of member worlds [republics] and and conquest of farther resource sectors.

Romulans are a secretive race, similar to the Maoist China of the latter half of the 20th century to the present. Borders and internal security are paramount as in North-South Korea.

Komerex Klinzhai and Stelaam Romulus
I am a scholar on all things TtlhIngan. As a society, they are a proud and honorable race. There are many career paths, but the military is the most prominent in the current society. All paths are competetive, centering on individual strengths and loyalty first to the Empire, then to their House. Terraan equivalent would be the US Marine Corps. Q'pla !

Topic: Klingon Intelligence Report

Items on the WEB...

 An old OverviewAnother and Diplomatic Relations
 Fact Bites WEB search links

The Klingon Diplomatic Corps
 Klignon Language Institute
 Klingonska Akademien
Klingon Language
 Google in Klingon
Klingon Wikipedia

 Klingon Assault Groups

Final Relections on the author of Final Reflections

 Ship Recognition Manual by FASA and more Starship database and schematics

 Klin Zha the strategy board game of choice

 FASA Map put the Empire beyond Orion / Rigel and shaped like the northern African contiment
Star Trek Star Charts, Klingon Empire- pp 64-65 . . .zoom pp. 62-63

Klingon Homeworld – HIP 650050 – 142.75 ly; 45 deg above the Galactic plane in Leo
- past Regulus; HIP 48447 is half way at 71-72 ly
(HD 55693 - 120 ly along the Galactic plane with a class-G primary would have been my choice)
Rura Penthe - HD 50590
Mempa - h Eridani OR HIP 43310 - Sector connecting with Romulan space
Khitomer - Omicron Columbia
Beta Thoridor - HD 30670
Korvat - Pi Canis Major
Starbase 24 - HD 48938
No’mat - Omicron Leo
Brestant - Delta Lep
Outpost 4 - Omega Leo
Gorath - Theta Hydra
Epsilon Hydra - Federation outpost at near Klingon space
Archanis - HIP 37798 -
Donatu - HD 42618 - site of Battle of Donatu V
Cursa - Beta Eridanus
Ardana - Mu Leo [TOS Cloud Minders]
Sherman’s Planet - HD 247168
Organia – HD 18719 –
- HD 76218 - 114.7 ly from HD 55693 (and incidentally the same distance from Beta TRA)
Davlos - Nu Tauri
Adhara - farthest extent of Klingon space
Tribble Prime - Iota Gemini
Tiburon - Omega Fornacis
I am a scholar of the Romulan Way. Romulans have been prortrayed as a proud, but xenophobic race. They are arrogant and mistrustful [of even their own kind, as the Tal'Shiar is the prime example]. Diane Duane, the author of the Rihansuu series shows their best sides. The later series shows their worst aspects with no redeeemng values. It is my hope to find an understanding of this race in all alternate realities, so that crewman Daniels doesn't have to tell Archer "You don't want to look at that" when reaching for the book "The Romulan Empire." Jolan tru.

Topic: Romulan Intelligence Report

Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, Romulan Star Empire- pp 66-67 and the Celestia downloaded program . . .
Romulan Homeworld – HIP 650054 - 75.76 ly below the Galactic plane in Hydrus - half way to Achernar
- Beta TRA - 40 ly along the Galactic plane was my choice
Tarod Sector [Sector 030] . . .
Zeta TRA - nearest Romulus (5 ly)
Alpha Cir (15 ly), Nu Octans, Phoenix, 1 Centauri, Iota Pavo, Gamma Tucana,
Cheron - Omicron Gru - battle of,
Zeta Gruis - Earth Forces side of the RNZ (nearest Tarod)
Chi Eridani - Kaleb (Sector Sierra nearest to Earth)
Alpha Mensae - RNZ system closest to Earth (33 ly)
- includes Epsilon and Rho Virgo, and Eta Corvi above Romulan space
Alpha Caelum - Hyralan (Sector Quebec)
- includes Gamma Doradus, Beta Pictor, and Psi Vel
Algeron - Xi Virgo - site of Federation-Romulan Treaty of 2311
“Neutral” - Iota Puppis - half-way between Q’onos and Romulus along the Neutral Zone
Eta Antlia - “small end” of Romulan space
Algorab - northernmost of Romulan space
Achernar - southernmost of Romulan space
Pi Mensae - half-way between Algorab and Achernar; and the far side of Romulan space
Gamma Hydra IV - [TOS Deadly Years]
Delta Musca - last Earth Forces outpost of the RNZ
HIP 31134 - center of Romulan space
Beta Vol, Mu Velorum, Xi Hydra, Alpha Vol, and Zeta Vol lead to Gamma Vol -on the other side of Romulan space
Deep Space 6 - Tau Centauri / HD 109787 - 131 ly on the “other side” of Romulan space
Delta Doradus - farthest from Earth (120 ly); near Starbase 173
HIP 34698 - farthest extent of Romulan space

WEB sites of interest...

Wiki entry updated 2009 CE
 Diplomatic Relations
 a Database
Dictionary on the Rihansuu Langiage
 a Romulan Language Generator
 a History of the Earth-Romulan War
 Ruling Passion sim
non-Bordered Map

There were many other excellent Romulan related sites, but they were on Geocities, which Yahoo closed in October 2009.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stardate 91124.05

In the News
- Whatever happened to...?"
The groper at Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
The anaconda terrorizing a cul de sac neighborhood
The eroding hill accross the street from Highland Hospital
The restaurant robberies in Oakland

Max Headroom and Current Technology...
Blipverts - Flash or speed-frame advertising; subliminal messages over TV, movies, the WEB
Blanks - undocumented individuals, non-citizens
War - “Makes news”; terrorism packaging
“We’re live in 3...!” - YouTube

On YouTube... Based on my most recent selections

Why is it that Music video never became as popular as Audio music? CD abums sell, so why not DVDs? MTV was a short-lived media like Beta-Max. People download music from Limewire and talk about pirated music. The same people watch YouTube, but do they download it to a personal library? NOooo! Maybe it's our short attention span, we can't sit there and enjoy it. Take my next post for example.

Would you A) Watch the short version and wonder "What the heck is this about?" B) Watch the long version? or C) Just pop the damn CD, who cares about meaning?

This is the longer version... Werewolves of London A Horse With No Name - America 1972
Jesus Christ Superstar 1973 playlist video album
AniMusic playlist Blue Man Group Concert Blue Man Group playlist Fog rolling in SF brings this song to mind - Spirit in the Sky, favorite version - original singer with religious slide show

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Voice is like Buffy The Musical Hayden Panettiere - Your New Girlfriend (Heroes Fan Video)

Songs that match Me or my Moods...
Pink Floyd - The Wall...........................That's all we are! See the video
Kansas - Dust in the Wind....................I try not to make waves
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to's in our soul
Eagles - Hotel California......................The whole World is a Half-way house we can't excape!

Other WEB Pages and sites... a True Speed Test recommended by AT&T

I also subscribe to this New search engine new 11.06.2009 phone Enter your address here Hit Replay for a second show I WANT THIS ! (So does Terrilyn :) A quantum version of the Magic Eight Ball,+Oakland+CA+94602&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=22.292635,10.810547&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2022+Damuth+St,+Oakland,+Alameda,+California+94602&ll=37.823006,-122.200413&spn=0,359.945068&z=14&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=37.802631,-122.214426&panoid=-6gm_b__J_MlAQLSHl88Vw&cbp=12,12.38,,0,5 I live Here Real Artist Book-WEB for kids and teens Digi-Book for adults

Groups I Post on...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Items of Daily Interest

In case you're interested...ALL About Me...
MySpace i last logged in 3/25/09 popular with the "kids"
Friendster popular with Filipinos everywhere
Sector Rod place personal stuff here and limit access
- see message 12
Sign in as
Password 123456789repeat

Enter your address here Hit Replay for a second show

Wik Best Information Encyclopedia on the WEB
Google Favorite Search Engine as well as Images
WEB Link no longer exists? It may have been saved HERE
YouTube Videos from the people for the people

1976 Top 100 Songs

Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix
Life is pretty normal today
Humorous captions
More Humorous captions
Good reads
Do you shop at WalMart? Go in pajamas and you might find find yourself here!

KTVU 2 Bay Area News
NBC 3 Bay Area
KRON 4 The Bay Area News Station
CBS 5 Bay Area's source
ABC 7 Breaking News

The Onion America's Finest News Source
Sign of the Times
More Alternative Headlines
ht The Funiest Headlines
Urban Legends
A Conspiracy Generator

The Improve Everywhere
playlists of The Improve Everywhere on YouTube
plays 73 scenes one after the other of The Improve Everywhere

Jeff Dunham and Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Blue Collar Comedy
Future Retro updated Aug 30, 2010

The Most Dangerous Song of All Time- December 1974

Graphic User Interface

A GUI uses a combination of technologies and devices to provide a platform the user can interact with, for the tasks of gathering and producing information.
A series of elements conforming a visual language have evolved to represent information stored in computers. This makes it easier for people with little computer skills to work with and use computer software. The most common combination of such elements in GUIs is the WIMP ("window, icon, menu, pointing device") paradigm, especially in personal computers.

Windows in 1985 was Microsoft's answer to Apple's Lisa and Mac as a point and click system, eliminating the use of the typed Command Line.

Why are all the "buttons" so far apart? You have to float your cursor all over the screen to click between menus, actions, scroll, and searches. See that mouse fly off the pad! See my finger scrape across the touch pad ten times to get where I'm going! Touch screen is a nice invention for those that can afford it. I'm gonna need a remote to handle my laptop! I can't wait until the heads-up-display [HUD] interactive system is improved for personal use (I know it exists! Iron Man and pilots use it). Or skip virtual reaality [VR] altogether, and let's just "plug in" to the NET! 2009/11/11

Stardate 91122.15

This begins where my FaceBook leaves off...

Facebook, and Myspace, and Friendster! Oh my!
So many "personal" blogs nowadays! And let's not forget Twitter! Do we really need to know how many steps it took you to get to the bathroom 2 minutes ago?

What is Twitter & Why do I care?

This is like the ppl who post webcams 24/7 from their home, either for cash or for kicks. Or the reality show that follows Mr Normal for a month. It's not far-fetched that ppl can have a their entire life showing on the WEB. from cell phones to YouTube to GPS-live feed transmitter implants.

History of the Internet

World Wide Web in Plain English. Social Networking,  BlogsTwitterWiki(pedia), and Everything else.