Retinal Scan...Searching...

Retinal Scan...Searching...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome [or dread] 2012

A little more than a year ago, I had posted about possible wars in 2011 and my views on a future dystopia [I had mislabeled it as 'utopia']. December 12, 2012 is said to be the latest doomsday. "End of the Mayan Calendar" as well as "The Great Conjunction with the Galactic Center."

The book of Revelations was almost not included as part of the first "official" english language bible as commissioned by anti-Papacy King James. The bible of which the Catholic church assimilated as its own. As it does with other rituals, traditions, and ways of thought throughout its 1500 year history. Experience has strengthened my belief in the existence of God, and the ridiculousness of religion. "Church" is a gathering in general; community as a whole. Not cathedrals that mimic the catacombs the movement used to hide in. Not the clergy that thrived on the politics of old Europe. Priests are just as Pharisees of Jesus' time. The same as the politicians we are forced to vote for governing us. In the past year (mostly the recent three months, or so) I have quoted scriptures proving the fallacies of the churches who purport to follow it.. [more on my views of Religion]

I believe certain events will occur, this decade, more likely than the next. The United States will fall just as the Roman civilization did. Everyone thinks of Rome as as an empire. It was actually a republic, with representatives and governors, just as we have now. Corruption, stratified, monetary based society. As an empire, it over-extended itself. To be sacked by "barbarians." China, Japan, and a conglomerate of resource hoarders will force us to become an American Empire the size of the original colonies. We will "lose" land and governance to multi-national entities / corporations.

Before this happens though, there will be a solid uprising. Not the "Occupiers" of 2011. Nor like the "Arab Spring" centering on capitol soil. It will see the destruction of corporate properties and businesses nation-wide, as well as the toppling of those in local power. Local as in within a day's march of city halls and governor mansions. The federal representation procedure will have failed by then. Both Houses will seem to be as a sieged edifice. Already out of touch with its constituents for decades past. Much like what preceded the French Revolution. There will be much destruction and bloodshed, a police depleted, military morally divided.

Congress as it is now needs to be overhauled. Everyone in office needs to be removed. When it became a career and generations of dynasties for them, it set them apart and above the people. We are no longer a representative democracy (I don't know if we ever were), rather we are a stratification of republics. "Trikle down" was a funny name, but it pretty much describes the way money, legislation, and power goes. Very slowly, dimminishing as each goes further along from its source.

Congress, banks, corporations are a level unto themselves. They shouldn't be. Every office should be subject to the whims of a 2/3 vote, rather than who holds the money (shareholders in non-politics). We have a president who is essentially crippled by Congress. That is a good thing though. Because Obama is a weak personality. His "ideas" lack merit. Every "representative" needs to be publically audited by their own constituents. Replaced by our neighbors rather than "Who the fk was that idiot?"

My "solution" right now is to stop the current economic downfall in various ways.
Eliminate the Income Tax. It, like the War Bond becoming Savings bond, was to support the Union forces. I DO believe in a standard 10% transaction tax accross the board. To run two government levels as follows... federal 70%, regional 30%. Tighten the budget further than just balancing it, to reduce the deficit. End the 'tax cut incentive for a better economy'... it doesn't work. It just incites corporate (and Republican)greed. STOP buying imports; end our trade deficit. China and a few other countries do it already... limit US product imports. Ban the "Profit over consumable" syndrome... exporting diesel at the cost of gas prices; corn for fuel vs food. End foreign aid and 'advisory' missions. Take care of home and country first!

Remove federal involvement in individual rights. Everyone's personal rights should only be limited to not interfering with the same rights of others. Laws should hold the common citizen accountable when it comes to respect of the rights of others and safety only! Most laws as they are now have something to do with revenue, nothing else. Hold corporations accountable as individuals. PG&E committed negligent homicide, no doubt about it!

STOP $137,500,000 on internal spending a month! Accross the board... Military down to education!
Ron Pauls says "Stop foreign aid" I agree. Regarding the debt to nations holding treasury notes like China, Japan, and the like... "Don't fkn pay them." says Dennis Miller. Simple? It ain't gonna happen.

Those who look for "peace in our time" are deluded. The only "peace" that will occur is at the end and replacement of this earth by the Kingdom of God. True diplomacy is backed up by military might. There is only "Our peace" or "Our democracy." Interference in the form of "aide." Allies as puppets. We were never meant to be a united people if the bible has anything to say to it. Tower of Babel used differences of language, which led to migrations, and eventually mistrust of other cultures. Ancestral disputes, ideological differences, as well as greed and envy will always exist to separate groups of people.

A few thoughts about 2011. It was an interesting year. A Royal Wedding (more). Arab Spring to Occupy. Owing China to helping Europe. WikiLeaks, iPod4s, Timeline and other FB changes, and "What is this Google Plus." Deaths of the good (Jobs), the bad (bin Ladden), and the ugly (Khadaffi). I am hoping that next year will see the end of "short lived celebrities" as I call them. Kardassians 73 [days of marriage], Lohan ""In'n'Out," Black and "what's a Beiber." Bond and Kobe and Teebow too, "winning Sheen and whining Obama, Michael Jackson not staying dead. If wisher were horses, I'm just another ass.

In ending, I believe in God, but not religion; America, but not its representatives; the Bible and the Constitution... remembering the paper they are written on will not protect me from bodily harm. I am always prepared to face God. As for Jesus, he is in everyone we meet, even in the lesser ones. "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." "... my peace I give you."

I will be patiently waiting (but not holding my breath) for the next Zeta Beam to hit.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Timely wimley, gobbly goobley...

My Past Eras... or "Things I Could Have Put In My Timeline, But Didn't"
 - see bottom of page for "things about Facebook's Timeline I have observed"

Born 1958 June 15 7:14 pm, a Fathers' Day Sunday at Herrick Memorial Hospital, Berkeley... under the Galactic Center
 - Rodney Lloyd Mariano Rivera de Mariano y Dorothy Marilyn Penanda

Moved from Boyd St to Park Blvd, Oakland CA

1963 to '70 Glenview Elementary (class photos)
1970 to '73 McChesney Junior HS (1973 Yearbook)
1973 to '76 Oakland High School (Spirit of '76 Yearbook)

1966 - 67 Travelled to Tanay, Rizal, Philippines with my Parents for the first time; attended grade 3 for two months there; we returned with kuya Nick Balingit (US citizen drafted into the US Army, Ft Ord)

Roxane Marlou (sister) born

1976 to 1984 in the Philippines for college

Rosa Blanca Garcia [rip] was (and remains) my Best Friend Ever
I studied pre-Dentistry [basic subjects] at University of the East, CM Recto, Manila
I stayed at Laperal Apartments,  3rd floor  - with mostly those from Cardona, Cavitie, and San Nicholas, and cousins from Tanay.
I associated with the barkada / group of San Dugo & TSS in Tanay

 - to 1980 Feb 16 Ma Fe (Abe') Evangelista (First Love)
I stayed near Espana with Tanayans - Fred, Louie, Laarni, Marilyn, Jun, Romy, Purits, Reben [rip], etc
De Ocampo Memorial College - Dental Tech

 - early 1983 Babes (my second kiss)
Sta Ana- Tio 'Pen, Lorna and Benjie, Ferdie, George (RIP)

De Ocampo Memorial College of Optometry
 - class president, elect
 - President, DOMC Chapter of Love Bank organization
Laperal level 4 and later across the street from Annex A

1983 Feb14 - Oct 23 married to Myrna Vergara
"left" Tanay - stayed at boarding / residence of Dra Dauz; near Nagtahan just up the street one block

1984 May - left the Philippines with Myrna; returned Home to Oakland CA

pre-1986 Bay Area Vision Centers - San Leandro; Newark
1986 to 1990 Sears Optical department, Cole National Corporation
27th and Telegraph, Oakland CA
- Madeline Cuevas Fernandez, manager; Franklin Lee, associate Doctor of Optometry

Drivers license and first car- Chevy Astro van, blood red

Angelica Joanne
Paul Henry

two weeks - in the Philippines for Nanay Iya's funeral.


1990 to 1995 Lenscrafters,division of US Shoes, later of Luxotica
Stonestown Galleria, San Francisco; then Powell Street Plaza, Emeryville locations

1995 to 2010 Pearle Vision, division of Grand Metropolitan (UK)
Southshore Center, Alameda CA 94501... as well as Richmond, Milpitas, Fairfield, and few other locations
 - Grace Grant, Syed Reza, Yvonne Jolly, and Shirley Starks managers
 - Doctors Lin, Young, Shiu, and Niimi
 - later bought by Cole, then Luxottica; converted to a Lenscrafters store

Toyota 4Runner, 'champagne' grey

Born... Terrilyn Beth

1999 November... Las Vegas, 3-day  see The Strip



Relationship with Yuh-Ching Chien

2007 March, April (three weeks)
Mom and Dad's Golden Wedding anniversary (see attached album).

Yuh-Ching Chien, married 2007

Daddy died on the morning of their Wedding Anniversary, peacefully at Home

Amariee Leah Rivera y Jessica Thum born on May the Fourth 'be with you'... yep, Star Wars Day

2010 August - No longer employed  /  Congestive Heart Failure diagnosed 1995 (see Medical Log)

35th Oakland High School Reunion 2011 August, Madrona section of Redwood Park (photos)
Some things about Facebook's Timeline I have observed... I hate reading instructions and 'Help'...
The top of the timeline contains the Banner, some Info, Icon links for your Friends, Photos, Map of places you have posted about [been!?!], and pages you have Liked. Below your few (6) Friends shown, is your Activity Log. Click that and you can access EVERYTHING you ever commented on friends post/status/story, profile status changes, games, horoscopes, etc. Only you can see them.

As you scroll down, the two columns point to the relative position in the centerline, in the order they were entered. Although not to scale. So the following post may be to the side, or below the previous posted one. Following you down is your name. Click your name to return to the top. Click Timeline for a drop-down menu of activities by type. "Now" opens a drop-down of recent months, previous years you have been on facebook, and "born" can be clicked to open the Highlights of that period. From there Everything [Status, Now friends with, few activities] may be opened.
     Status / Photo / Place (check-in) / Life Event also follows you down (above the right column)... where you can Add to the timeline at any point in your history. I use Life Event > any category > Other Life Event because it is easier.

To the right is one column with ads and the timeline interface, performing the same function as "Now" described above.
To the far right (at 100% zoom on most screens) is the column with the Ticker and Chat.
There was a movie The Adjustment Bureau, where the events of your life could be changed, making you different from what you are now. Question raised... Fate? or Free Will? Also you can create a slideshow of your life in photos and post it on FB and YouTube.

There was also an independent company that took your News Feed (now Home) and made it into 2 to 5 columns, depending on your screen zoom setting. It was called Post-to-Post/
2007 August 22 - Joined Facebook; became friends with Constance Pleasant (co-worker)

2008 Active on Myspace; Not active on Facebook

2009 Facebook Highlights...   FaceBook Wall Posts- the Year in Review  /  Added 27 Friends - Katie, Hasib, got me "jump-started" August  /  22 friends posted on Rodney's timeline  /  Joined 6 Groups  /  Liked 2 Pages

2010 Facebook Highlights...   July 7 Items posted in the past few months  /  Added 65 Friends  /  82 friends posted on Rodney's timeline  /  17 friends posted on Rodney's timeline for his birthday  /  Visited 7 Places  /  Joined 5 Events  /  Liked 12 Pages

Currently 2011 Facebook Highlights... /  posted my copy of the 1973 McChesney Ninth Grade Yearbook (21 pages)  /  Added 62 Friends - Isabel Taronga Gasolasco since June, Dra Nilmar and Dominador "Jun" Ventura, as well as DOMC Optometry [batch 1984] followed  /  81 friends posted on Rodney's timeline  /  39 friends posted on Rodney's timeline for his birthday  /  Joined 5 Groups  /  Liked 12 Pages  /  added 32 photos to The Museum of Me  /  Sept 2 first posted in De Ocampo "OPTO Batch 1984." started by Josie Mendoza Connolly on July 11, 2010 at 3:47pm  /  March 2 I posted in Oakland high group So, what are we doing here as a group?"

This is me in my computer room...
My Library

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Continuing Advent(ures) in Time and Space

We are coming up to Christmas, the Winter Solstice, and the new calendar year. Time again to reflect on what has passed and hold our subjective breath for what is to happen before the bell tolls, and the ball drops.

Hmmm let's see. Privacy settings > Audience.
God [Like]
Lucifer [changed profile; posts app requests] "OMG... I mean OM&%#!"
Saints and other fictional characters [reposts allowed, especially scriptures]
Humans... This Group has been inactive and is scheduled to be deleted or absorbed into a more recent version by its creator

Two things have touched me recently...
[ ] On families whose cars are their homes.
[ ] For those that don't know... OFW is overseas filipino workers.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... And God said, “LET THERE BE LIGHT,”
There stood a man in a bow-tie and... a fez(?) "Oh, halloo :-D I'm The Doctor"

The question that never can be answered  [more]
[  ] Two unrelated questions... 
[ December 8 at 7:51pm ] Twas the night before the Big Bang, to be repeated over and over again...
OK, not quite. This is my entry to a Docror Who [BBC] contest.

[  ] My FB activity status: I lay awake at night thinking how long I can sleep in all morning.
What's on my mind: Nothing... You... Nothing... oh well, it's all the same.
[  ] FB activity has never reached ten notifications, stories, messages in all, in six hours of my being away.
[  ] Why does everyone's status location show "near" whatever city they are actually in. Also, wouldn't there have been another city named if they were. - posted near where I am now


[  ] If I Die Young... bury me in Facebook. Lay me down in a bed of comments."
[  ] Don't let go. Never give up. It's just a 'Wonderful Life'
[  ] I don't know where. Confused about how as well... Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
[  ] Dedicated to someone so long ago... near perfect, but never was... she's so cold and human
[  ] A lie is the result of fear, of punishment, or of what may happen as a result of a personal action.
[  ] Payback is a bitch! Heard it first at a kareoke this night. Bust Your Windows
[  ] I will be the cause of No More Tears
[  ] Don't be sad that your home with 2 more years to pay off has been forclosed.
            > 911, what is your emergency?
                  ... "I've got two girls fighting over me"
            > So what's the problem?
                      "The ugly one is winning"             more

[  ] > Does your work put up any christmas decorations? <
"Well, most of my co-workers remind me of christmas lights. Most of them don't work, and the ones that do aren't all that bright. Does that count?"


No, I am not dying! and that is not a fibrillator. Singing "Save Me San Francisco" by Train. Angie, Terrilyn, and Anariee (front and center :)
We were here for Angie's 26th birthday.

[  ] "Readers ages"
Those born in the 1945-50s "Baby Boomers" started wearing bifocals by the age of 50 (2000)
[  ] What to get 2 1/2 year old. Amariee already knows the difference between a pink Barbie laptop and...
[  ] A classic about one secured web server/library access location, a researcher, and...
[  ] Twenty years ago today, to the new year. the Soviet Union ceases to exist...
December 7 at 2:46pm ] Haven Silent Night
[  ] I hate malls around Christmas time. ... I take that back. Any time! Happy Holidays from Human Target!
[  ] Do you like classical music? Would you stop to appreciate a musician's talent?
[  ] Some Americans of the '60s were frustrated with what was going in in the country.
[  ] Honestly, I don't really feel comfortable hugging anyone, even as a sign of friendship or comforting.
[  ] Jesus is your one and only Get Out Of Hell card. Not ten hail mary's, not your gossip to a priest...
[  ] On the 1990s Star Trek DS9, Quark used hand-held devices to transfer currencies to make transactions. At a singles bar "Hi. Can I tap you?"
[  ] What's so exciting about finding an earth-like planet 600 light-years away?
[  ] Treated to dinner last night at Union City. Bone-in Ribeye
[  ] How does Santa visit a billion children? With a TARDIS of course!
[  ] You do know elves are Occupiers since toymaking was outsourced to the elves of China... children I think they call 'em.
[  ] OK this is going to make you want to puke.
[  ] I asked [God] for a sign. I got 404 as a response.
[  ] OK, If I were a preacher of sorts, I would be quoting Deuteronomy 28, specifically the second half.
[  ] My virtual girlfriend hacked my computer and this is what happened!  more
- Interlude -
[  ] An APB on Hawaii Five-O ... "Where's he going to run? We're on an island."
Saturday ] Pet Peeve series #12057: What is it with putting a Yahoo news heading with no explanation
[  ] Best. Gift. Wrap. Ever. Rodney Rivera Hmmm that box of Stayfree is looking kinda interesting.
[  ] This topic of returning troops and the added burden to unemployment,
[  ] I am a fan of the written Judge Dredd wich makes fun of American justice and values re Democracy
[  ] I am a trusting person. I trust everybody to get out of my way!
[  ] The biggest problem in life is fitting in to the standards of society.
[  ] Just when I realized on my own that there was no Santa, I got a toy that was too stupid....
[  ] It is advised to give up your valuables if being robbed, to avoid being harmed. Be calm;
[  ] According to a news report, a certain private Catholic school was recently faced with a unique problem.
[  ] Sometimes I feel like... I'm in the middle without any plans
[  ] Marraige is a contract between two parties... families, clans, kingdoms, not between individuals. So I wonder why those in love even consider getting married.
At the ceremony of my second marraige, when the Judge said "what God has joined, let no man set assunder" I nearly answered "wanna bet?"
[  ] Fond memories of an older slower paced Oakland Chinatown.
Friday at 10:48am ] If you are alive, re-post this. Then read my comments later.
[  ] Burden yourself not with worldly things, people, or worries.
[  ] Jealousy refers to something taken from you. Envy is about something you wish you had, now are obsessed with, or can never have.
[  ] Alaska gulf weather cell causes strong winds from the west coast to Salt Lake. An LDS fell into my yard. She wasn't missed [by her husband]
[  ] Apple iPhone 4S can find anything except abortion clinics. Android can solve Rubik's cube in 5.66 seconds. The winner IS...
December 1 ] First day of summer. Surf's up. At night.
[  ] I liked Rachael Crow's audition and still think that she will be the winner. It's too bad Drew is human.
December 1 ] Today is World Aids day.
[  ] There is a gene for losing weight. It is called '2 sizes smaller.'
[  ] Your figure reminds me of my first girlfriend. Before she was pregnant.
[  ] A funny photo; a thought-provoking commentary.
[  ] Tim Allen at his best as a neighbor. And the daughters make a pie video.
[  ] Victoria Secret on TV
[  ] Look, if you're going to celebrate a holiday ... MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
December 1 ] One of my favorite comedians. I love the "I-I... I'm confused" look he always has.
[  ] Ach, the things our poor soldiers have to go through!
November 30 ] Strikes are over. Basketball and crabs are here! Somehow that didn't sound right.
[  ] Watching this right now. First up was Scary Gaga.
[  ] Stressed? have anxieties? Take a walk! while listening to this... ZZ Top - Got Me Under Pressure
[  ] It is of my opinion that the best recent presidents were Reagan and elder Bush. They got the job done.
[  ] I know something more usually happens in December. "Don't blink" should be a motto.
[  ] Ever since the late 1920s, it has been postulated that there would be an all-electronic age.
[  ] Now this is one rockin' house! Every day 'm shufflin'!  more

Things I hate...

[  ] There is a commonality between Occupy, Republican candidates, and trailer park trash. They can be found here...

[  ] Eight out of ten Occupyers surveyed follow an idiot. One out of ten was the idiot. The other one...
[  ] Let's see, tax wealthy up to 2%, more than 2% of wealthy leave California.
[  ] When approached "Are you a registered voter?" My response is NO I don't have a job.
[  ] Obama reminds me of a hunting dog. Directed by others. We lose sight of him.
[  ] I haven't watched this much government propaganda since the Marcos era in the Philippines!
[  ] My recent experience at a store whose name I won't mention (although I imagine you will)...
[  ] Congress as it is now needs to be overhauled. Everyone in office needs to be removed.