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Monday, January 25, 2010

Polly ticks

The 2 party system, lobbyists, Social Security, and the IRS should never have been developed to what they are today. Someday I will expand on this!
OK, in a few nutshells...
We have two strong parties...
Republicans are for preserving traditional social orders which often includes social stratification.
[Keep the rich rich, all others poor- my opinion]
Democrats are for equal rights and opportunities, workers, extensive social security and care, and the environment.
[But they don't have a sound financial plan] other parties or platforms in the U.S. have evolved beyond a minority.

Social Security is a lottery! Will you live long enough? Or work long enough?
[Why do foreign born elders, who never worked here, recieve? - rhetorical quetion. Don't bother to explain it to me!]
Internal Revenue Service used to fund our military in times of war. Just as Savings Bonds grew from War Bonds.
[These two are NOT in the Constitution! Nor can we use our First Amendment Rights against them]

Lobbying is loosely the hold of special interests over law and decision-makers.

I suppose I can sum it all up in this way...
We live in a Constitutional republic that limits the government's power over citizens, supposedly. It also protects the minority from majority rule. That's why politicians have a career, and propositions are voted down, reappealed,or just misunderstood.
Power over all people in this Nation should not be in the hands of the few. We should be informed by Specialists and not Special Interest. We The People need to be heard in those lobbies. Stop the free ride of the small cadre of career politicians we were forced to choose from.

The following are excerpts from Wikipedia...

Republican Party
Founded by anti-slavery expansion activists in 1854, it is often called the Grand Old Party or the GOP. The party's platform is generally considered right of center in the U.S. political spectrum, generally used to describe support for preserving traditional social orders which often includes social stratification.

Democratic Party
The oldest political party in continuous operation in the United States and it is one of the oldest parties in the world. It evolved from Anti-Federalist factions that opposed the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton in the early 1790s. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison organized these factions into the Democratic-Republican Party. The party favored states' rights and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank and wealthy, moneyed interests. In the U.S. political spectrum, the party's platform is considered center-left.
Equal rights and opportunity.
Regulate private enterprise in the interests of workers and consumers by ensuring labor rights, worker access to trade unions, consumer protections, and fair market competition.
An extensive system of social security (although usually not to the extent advocated by socialists).
A mixed economy consisting of both private enterprise and publicly owned or subsidized programs of education, universal health care, child care and related social services for all citizens.
Environmentalism and environmental protection laws; for example, funding for alternative energy resources and laws designed to combat global warming.

Lobbying is the practice of influencing decisions made by the government (in groups or individually).
"lobbying" loosely comes from informal meetings in the hallways (or lobbies) of Houses before and after debates to influence legislators.
One story states that the term originated at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC, where it was used by Ulysses S. Grant to describe the political wheelers and dealers frequenting the hotel's lobby in order to access Grant, who was often found there, enjoying a cigar and brandy.

Social Security is a social insurance program funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). The main part of the program is sometimes abbreviated OASDI (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) or RSDI (Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance). When initially signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 as part of his New Deal, the term Social Security covered unemployment insurance as well.

Internal Revenue Service
In July 1862, during the Civil War, President Lincoln and Congress created the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue and enacted an income tax to pay war expenses (see Revenue Act of 1862, in contrast to U.S. government institutions that collected external revenue through duties and tariffs).

...Hold on, I think i see some men in black suits at the door.

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