Unemployed and deep in debt. May be homeless, without any resources available to them. Psychologically broken. Will not likely turn to crime, having a more down trodden nature.
Unemployed or deep in debt, but with some resources available to them. Under some form of government assistance. Renters or homes foreclosed. A small minority may turn to petty crime. Prisoners and institutionalized people fall into this category.
Cautious spender- target of most lenders. These are the ones that make it in the news as filing complaints and asking for help. Mostly families with children. Pretty much stays within the system.
Middle income Majority. This is pretty much most of us consumers. Generally families with the most average lifestyle. Full time employment with spending within the norms for credit to income. These are the ones that vote, participate in polls, protest marches, and charities. Leisure and entertainment is not a problem for them.
Inherited into money; privileged. May be philanthropists, knowing there will be tax breaks and publicity. Generally self-satisfied and not prone to illegal activities.
Government band of the spectrum. Not specifically the politicians, but relies upon those in office. To some extent, monies are also being used in political campaigns and various organizations, profit or non-profit. Not visible to the general public.
Wealthiest individuals and families of movers. CEOs of big business. Politicians and celebrities. Very much visible in the news media.
Hidden Wealth; Power; not under any jurisdiction. Not known to the general public.
"Off the grid" Mostly homeless. But also includes those who decide not to be part of the general population.
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