Two things have touched me recently...
[ ] On families whose cars are their homes.
[ ] For those that don't know... OFW is overseas filipino workers.
The question that never can be answered [more]
[ ] Two unrelated questions...
[ December 8 at 7:51pm ] Twas the night before the Big Bang, to be repeated over and over again...
My FB activity status: I lay awake at night thinking how long I can sleep in all morning.
What's on my mind: Nothing... You... Nothing... oh well, it's all the same.
[ ] FB activity has never reached ten notifications, stories, messages in all, in six hours of my being away.
[ ] Why does everyone's status location show "near" whatever city they are actually in. Also, wouldn't there have been another city named if they were. - posted near where I am now
[ ] If I Die Young... bury me in Facebook. Lay me down in a bed of comments."
[ ] Don't let go. Never give up. It's just a 'Wonderful Life'
[ ] I don't know where. Confused about how as well... Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
[ ] Dedicated to someone so long ago... near perfect, but never was... she's so cold and human
[ ] A lie is the result of fear, of punishment, or of what may happen as a result of a personal action.
Payback is a bitch! Heard it first at a kareoke this night. Bust Your Windows
[ ] I will be the cause of No More Tears
[ ] Don't be sad that your home with 2 more years to pay off has been forclosed.
> 911, what is your emergency?
... "I've got two girls fighting over me"
> So what's the problem?
"The ugly one is winning" more
[ ] > Does your work put up any christmas decorations? <
"Well, most of my co-workers remind me of christmas lights. Most of them don't work, and the ones that do aren't all that bright. Does that count?"

[ ] "Readers ages"
Those born in the 1945-50s "Baby Boomers" started wearing bifocals by the age of 50 (2000)
[ ] What to get 2 1/2 year old. Amariee already knows the difference between a pink Barbie laptop and...
[ ] A classic about one secured web server/library access location, a researcher, and...
[ ] Twenty years ago today, to the new year. the Soviet Union ceases to exist...
[ December 7 at 2:46pm ] Haven Silent Night
[ ] I hate malls around Christmas time. ... I take that back. Any time! Happy Holidays from Human Target!
[ ] Do you like classical music? Would you stop to appreciate a musician's talent?
[ ] Some Americans of the '60s were frustrated with what was going in in the country.
[ ] Honestly, I don't really feel comfortable hugging anyone, even as a sign of friendship or comforting.
[ ] Jesus is your one and only Get Out Of Hell card. Not ten hail mary's, not your gossip to a priest...
[ ] On the 1990s Star Trek DS9, Quark used hand-held devices to transfer currencies to make transactions. At a singles bar "Hi. Can I tap you?"
[ ] What's so exciting about finding an earth-like planet 600 light-years away?
[ ] Treated to dinner last night at Union City. Bone-in Ribeye
How does Santa visit a billion children? With a TARDIS of course!
You do know elves are Occupiers since toymaking was outsourced to the elves of China... children I think they call 'em.
[ ] OK this is going to make you want to puke.[ ] I asked [God] for a sign. I got 404 as a response.
OK, If I were a preacher of sorts, I would be quoting Deuteronomy 28, specifically the second half.
[ ]
- Interlude -
[ Saturday ] Pet Peeve series #12057: What is it with putting a Yahoo news heading with no explanation
[ ] Best. Gift. Wrap. Ever. Rodney Rivera Hmmm that box of Stayfree is looking kinda interesting.
[ ] This topic of returning troops and the added burden to unemployment,
[ ] I am a fan of the written Judge Dredd wich makes fun of American justice and values re Democracy
[ ] I am a trusting person. I trust everybody to get out of my way!
[ ] The biggest problem in life is fitting in to the standards of society.
[ ] Just when I realized on my own that there was no Santa, I got a toy that was too stupid....
[ ] It is advised to give up your valuables if being robbed, to avoid being harmed. Be calm;
[ ] According to a news report, a certain private Catholic school was recently faced with a unique problem.
[ ] Sometimes I feel like... I'm in the middle without any plans
[ ] Marraige is a contract between two parties... families, clans, kingdoms, not between individuals. So I wonder why those in love even consider getting married.
At the ceremony of my second marraige, when the Judge said "what God has joined, let no man set assunder" I nearly answered "wanna bet?"
[ ] Fond memories of an older slower paced Oakland Chinatown.
[ Friday at 10:48am ] If you are alive, re-post this. Then read my comments later.
[ ] Burden yourself not with worldly things, people, or worries.
[ ] Jealousy refers to something taken from you. Envy is about something you wish you had, now are obsessed with, or can never have.
[ ] Alaska gulf weather cell causes strong winds from the west coast to Salt Lake. An LDS fell into my yard. She wasn't missed [by her husband]
[ ] Apple iPhone 4S can find anything except abortion clinics. Android can solve Rubik's cube in 5.66 seconds. The winner IS...
[ December 1 ] First day of summer. Surf's up. At night.
[ ] I liked Rachael Crow's audition and still think that she will be the winner. It's too bad Drew is human.
[ December 1 ] Today is World Aids day.
[ ] There is a gene for losing weight. It is called '2 sizes smaller.'
[ ] Your figure reminds me of my first girlfriend. Before she was pregnant.
[ ] A funny photo; a thought-provoking commentary.
[ ] Tim Allen at his best as a neighbor. And the daughters make a pie video.
[ ] Victoria Secret on TV
[ ] Look, if you're going to celebrate a holiday ... MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
[ December 1 ] One of my favorite comedians. I love the "I-I... I'm confused" look he always has.
[ ] Ach, the things our poor soldiers have to go through!
[ November 30 ] Strikes are over. Basketball and crabs are here! Somehow that didn't sound right.
[ ] Watching this right now. First up was Scary Gaga.
[ ] Stressed? have anxieties? Take a walk! while listening to this... ZZ Top - Got Me Under Pressure
[ ] It is of my opinion that the best recent presidents were Reagan and elder Bush. They got the job done.
[ ] I know something more usually happens in December. "Don't blink" should be a motto.
[ ] Ever since the late 1920s, it has been postulated that there would be an all-electronic age.
[ ] Now this is one rockin' house! Every day 'm shufflin'! more
Things I hate...
[ Saturday ] Pet Peeve series #12057: What is it with putting a Yahoo news heading with no explanation
[ ] Best. Gift. Wrap. Ever. Rodney Rivera Hmmm that box of Stayfree is looking kinda interesting.
[ ] This topic of returning troops and the added burden to unemployment,
[ ] I am a fan of the written Judge Dredd wich makes fun of American justice and values re Democracy
[ ] I am a trusting person. I trust everybody to get out of my way!
[ ] The biggest problem in life is fitting in to the standards of society.
[ ] Just when I realized on my own that there was no Santa, I got a toy that was too stupid....
[ ] It is advised to give up your valuables if being robbed, to avoid being harmed. Be calm;
[ ] According to a news report, a certain private Catholic school was recently faced with a unique problem.
[ ] Sometimes I feel like... I'm in the middle without any plans
[ ] Marraige is a contract between two parties... families, clans, kingdoms, not between individuals. So I wonder why those in love even consider getting married.
At the ceremony of my second marraige, when the Judge said "what God has joined, let no man set assunder" I nearly answered "wanna bet?"
[ ] Fond memories of an older slower paced Oakland Chinatown.
[ Friday at 10:48am ] If you are alive, re-post this. Then read my comments later.
[ ] Burden yourself not with worldly things, people, or worries.
[ ] Jealousy refers to something taken from you. Envy is about something you wish you had, now are obsessed with, or can never have.
[ ] Alaska gulf weather cell causes strong winds from the west coast to Salt Lake. An LDS fell into my yard. She wasn't missed [by her husband]
[ ] Apple iPhone 4S can find anything except abortion clinics. Android can solve Rubik's cube in 5.66 seconds. The winner IS...
[ December 1 ] First day of summer. Surf's up. At night.
[ ] I liked Rachael Crow's audition and still think that she will be the winner. It's too bad Drew is human.
[ December 1 ] Today is World Aids day.
[ ] There is a gene for losing weight. It is called '2 sizes smaller.'
[ ] Your figure reminds me of my first girlfriend. Before she was pregnant.
[ ] A funny photo; a thought-provoking commentary.
[ ] Tim Allen at his best as a neighbor. And the daughters make a pie video.
[ ] Victoria Secret on TV
[ ] Look, if you're going to celebrate a holiday ... MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
[ December 1 ] One of my favorite comedians. I love the "I-I... I'm confused" look he always has.
[ ] Ach, the things our poor soldiers have to go through!
[ November 30 ] Strikes are over. Basketball and crabs are here! Somehow that didn't sound right.
[ ] Watching this right now. First up was Scary Gaga.
[ ] Stressed? have anxieties? Take a walk! while listening to this... ZZ Top - Got Me Under Pressure
[ ] It is of my opinion that the best recent presidents were Reagan and elder Bush. They got the job done.
[ ] I know something more usually happens in December. "Don't blink" should be a motto.
[ ] Ever since the late 1920s, it has been postulated that there would be an all-electronic age.
[ ] Now this is one rockin' house! Every day 'm shufflin'! more
Things I hate...
[ ] There is a commonality between Occupy, Republican candidates, and trailer park trash. They can be found here...
[ ] Eight out of ten Occupyers surveyed follow an idiot. One out of ten was the idiot. The other one...
[ ] Let's see, tax wealthy up to 2%, more than 2% of wealthy leave California.
[ ] When approached "Are you a registered voter?" My response is NO I don't have a job.
[ ] Obama reminds me of a hunting dog. Directed by others. We lose sight of him.
[ ] I haven't watched this much government propaganda since the Marcos era in the Philippines!
[ ] My recent experience at a store whose name I won't mention (although I imagine you will)...
[ ] Congress as it is now needs to be overhauled. Everyone in office needs to be removed.
.........................................[ ] Congress as it is now needs to be overhauled. Everyone in office needs to be removed.
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