Retinal Scan...Searching...

Retinal Scan...Searching...

Monday, August 30, 2010


This is a temporary place for things I have collected but not categorized yet. This also functions as a Notepad...
[  ]  I google "[word] definition" as a crutch when writing. But only if I doubt a word. Spell checks in most write programs, auto-correct, and voice recognition on phones are just examples of algorythms that try to figure out what we are 'saying.'
[  ]  Dedicated to the fairest someone in 1978
[  ]  I an a facetious, underestinated, categorically knowledgeable entity [referred to as] Rodney
Of All Things Facebook and Other Social Media
Captain's Log

The Universe is completely deviod of Life.
If there were life on other worlds, they would have made themselves known. If time travel were possible, we would have had visitors who would make themselves known. If God and angels in heaven exist, they would make themselves known. Not to just a select few. Not as mysterious sightings. Mars, our neighbor, shows no signs of life. Yet we want life to be there, even in the cold ice. At one time we might have inhabited that dead planet. Some half a billion years ago when our sun was hotter. Now what our earth will be like in half a billion years. Rust and carbon dioxide is all that remains of what was once a carbon based, water solvent, oxygen respiring form. By then Venus would hopefully be terrestrial enough for our descendants to live there. One planet at a time.
Life, therefore, is an abdomination!

That we exist is open to debate. There is another existence somewhere where what we do matters. Here on this earth... nothing matters. We experience life and social interactions. In everyday life we do not concern ourselves to the hardships of Africa or the Middle Ages. Why is that? We live and we die and nothing beyond that exists in the here and now. No proof shows otherwise. Literature shows that the gods and other supernatural beings "came down to experience life on earth." We are those beings! What we write is a genetic memory.

Time is not linear. But our limited senses percieve it that way. Cause and effect is a given. But the connections of events are just patterns that we want to see. To place Order to what would otherwise be Chaos.

HALO Legends - seven animated shorts [120 minutes]
The Babbysitter [18:08] or pt1pt2
The Duel (?)
The Package (2 parts) [11:30]
Homecoming incomplete
Prototype [5:29]
Odd One Out [5:08]
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The Key to my TARDIS

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Screen height = 30 lines at 115% (best); 35 lines at 100%; 28 at 125%' 23 at 150%

Battle Sisters - Google
Iron Man 2 Amazing interfaces and holograms - The Ultimate Review (Part 3 of 3)


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