Retinal Scan...Searching...

Retinal Scan...Searching...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekend Update - TV, News, Spoken Word, FB and more

Sunday November 28, 2010   6:42 p.m.                                                  Stardate 10906.815
On TV-   Gran Torino (2008),  Unkown (2006),  Firebreather (premier),  Young Justice (2011 series) see also,   and Brave and the Bold   Reviews in the next installment
In the News
South Korea-US War Games...North Korea issues threats...duh!
-   Bombardment of Yeonpyeong Island on 23 November 2010
WikiLeaks to release three million once confidential communications and information.
Obama needed stitches...good thing the f'k'r has health care! 'They're' tight-lipped as to which lip.
Afghanistan...How long has this been going on?
FedEx finds Homer Simpson's secret stash
Your pal Palin speaks again...remember her greatest hits?
Luck of the Irish...they want to turn down a loan? Good for them!
Harry Potter tops the weekend...Finally, some REAL News!
In the News Elsewhere...The Onion
WW- I always wanted to own or work in a bookstore.

RR- If I owned a bookstore, I would be in solitude heaven, even with no customers. As for employees, yes they must love books, any subject. Not just be an inventory, "down that aisle" type of person. I have seen enough of those kinds, especially "let me look...nope." Dude, I already looked there! Then there are those few [dorks like me] who talk about the author and trivia as we walk to the shelves. That is passion!
Friday November 19, 2010
WW- I think very highly of LinkedIn. It's actually been an invaluable research tool for me in addition to keeping my professional connections fresh. Here is a great and very short article about the key differences between Facebook and LinkedIn - and why LinkedIn

RR- I wish they- FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, and upcoming Google, could say in 100 words or less, what the advantage is of their social media platform. Personality {visibility} vs. privacy; rich content vs. 'just garbage.'
WW- New fans or "Likers" this week - thank you! If we haven't met personally yet - or even if we have - please let us know who you are: your own blogs, Twitter, profiles, Facebook pages, etc.

RR- And you say FB is getting into our privacy? Look who is getting invasive LOL Just be sure not to send me a notification alarm before noon (I sleep in late :-)
AllFaceBook- as the name says, everything concerning FB. I Like [follow], but do not post comments there, to avoid seeing everyone else's comment notifications.
Friends Browser in FB [with link]
CC- That girl kept calling me Contant so I begged her to call me Connie. She was killing me.

RR- Be nice to people with a speech impediment. Relatives call me Rondey. I tell them to pack off.

CGT- did she do it once in a while or was it constant?

CC- bwahahaha constantly
   Well to be fair, English is not that girl's first language, so that's why she was having problems pronouncing my name right. I can't pronounce her name either. Thank goodness she has a nickname.

RR-  Language and pronounciatiation are two different things. It's the way the mouth translates the heard or printed word. We hear it, our mind simplifies the syllables, then we say that. My name for example would be 'rd/ne' yours would be 'cn/stns'then there are 'cth'/rn', mr'a/fe' and so on. Many ppl [see how that works?] ask me at work "how do you say that name?" It is also the basic cncept behind texting, especially in languages where I can sound it out THEN translate it. so ttfn n cu ltr

CC- Well, what if they don't even pronounce the "st" or the "s" in cn/stns? Is that still a pronounciation problem or is it still a language problem? I think it's a language problem if those letters are not in their native tongue.

RR- ‎'native tongue'...physical pronouncing problem...translation from brain to muscles. Just like some saying 'aks' instead of 'ask'...a natural error, not a conscious one.
   Also it's the other way around. The letter may not exist because the sound does not register. For example I once posted "The alphabet in the Philippines does not have the letter 'F' because by the age of 7 they lose both sets of their front teeth." Pilipino instead of Filipino.
CC- I think "aks" came from a southern pronounciation of the word ask, which over the years went from "acts" to "aks". Just like the words "a fixing to" became "fixin" and then "fitna".
RR- So that proves my point [what was my point?] that the brain to tongue interprets it differently. There are many shortened forms of saying things, which again translates to our 'txtn'.

Thought for the Day
Be concise in making your point. Avoid misunderstandings.
Commonwealth of Nations-  Wiki  /  Secretariat  /  Official

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Turkey's are so near sighted that they will see you as a blur and come up to you, and not see the ax in your hand.

The turkey was Benjamin Franklin's choice as the national bird. Did he know what our government officials would become?

The pilgrims invited natives to a feast harvested from land that was "lent" to them. The Europeans took more. Let us go to an "Indian casino" to let them return the favor. Of course you'll never find one...just Filipinos [workers 80%, customers 20%].

"Hey-yah" This what the indians said after the feast. Taught it to the future Americans.

more Fiddler on the Roof
This is me ten years from now! or perhaps this Friday, after Thanksgiving dinner :-) Other than the "build a tall house in the middle of town" I can pretty much do now all of what he sings LOL

Again Happy Thanksgiving to All!

- Official movie site

All the songs from the movie - great playlist

"Is there a proper blessing for the Tzar?" "May God bless and keep the Tzar...far away from us."- replace Tzar with the politician of your choice. "Tradition" is the root for all things in my mind-set. Religion, social and political views,... even love. Even if we weren't born 'there' it is ingrained into us by our Family. Of course that does NOT mean we have to follow everything... Some traditions [gender roles as one] are outdated.

"Sunrise Sunset" OK I am getting melodramatic in my [old] age. This song reminds me of my daughter and son coming of age [not marraige]. Makes me want to call them right now...NOT! hahaha

"Matchmaker, Matchmaker" is still true today. Except it is now friends and relatives who are the 'matchmakers' even AFTER a marraige or relationship already is! "They won't last long" "You could have done better" "You would be better off with ---"

"Lechaim" Guys will find any reason to celebrate! See me line-dancing? Hai! No this is NOT gay! Just because no women are involved does not make it so. Join in the fun...even if no one the hell invited you! lmao kai k'zai Klinzhai!

"Sabbath Prayer" for those who want to bless a family properly. OK this was actually about the traditional "keep them from the stranger's ways" [ Jew instead of Christian], "good mothers and wives" "husbands who will care for you"- directed at the daughter who will marry out of love instead of tradition.

"Tevye's Dream" hehe he is a manipulative bastard! Passing on a message from a dead Matriarch and his soon-to-be-son-in-law's dead previous wife.

"Anatevka" [replace with your Home name] is also appropriate for our times. Do you know of anyone being forced from where they have lived forever? Forclosed? evicted or just feeling persecuted? or just circumstances requiring a move...for better places. "A garden of eden it's not" but it is Home."

"Far From the Home I Love" is farewell, not goodbye. Be happy for me, for us. You will always be in my heart o Family. Remember me and the new family to add to ours in your "Golden Years"...many other songs come to mind about children growing, leaving..."Anak" "Cats in the Cradle" "Tears in Heaven" "Butterflies and Kisses" and of course Cat Stevens.

"Do You Love Me?" Is an appropriate queestion to ask your kids too! My Dad [RIP] would ask everyone of us that question. Followed by "Why!" notice it was not a question.

Every once in a while it is good to hear "I love you" for no reason whatsoever. Sometimes it is hard to say the words and mean it, sometimes feel as if being forced to say it. Sometimes said, but taken for granted. Remembering my sister, my daughter, my niece, pulling my face to theirs and saying I love you "Kuya / daddy / Uncle"
After dinner...
I hope everyone is full and thankful. I'm cold but I'm full. Safe at home. Black Friday actually began the Friday before Veterans Day, but be careful this weekend too. There has been a fight between customers at Safeway, kitchen accidents, colder than expected weather, and sobrity check points.

Life belongs to those who live it; not those who tell you how to live it.
Oh THAT's what the plastic plug was for!! For more than 5 years I bought dinner from Andronico's until it went from $100 to $150 + everything else I wanted, Then I cooked with stuffing. This year I learned stuffing [but I forgot the herbs and other aromatics, so the turkey oil stunk], preheat 400, cook 350 for 15 min a pound, covered in a foil tent. I used bacon to keep the skin from drying. Let it sit. Put it back in the oven, uncovered, full broil while basting, until golden brown [away from the upper heating element, electric]. Carve thin. Store thick. Notes for -X Mas.

Oh 2 must watch shows re holiday cooking...Good Eats and MythBusters :-) see local listings.

A few comments on relgion from Archie Bunker.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Word of mouth has been said to be the best way to advertise, or so [us in-store] salespeople are told. 10 happy customers telling at least 2 friends each can be off-set by one unhappy customer telling 20 of his friends how poor the service was. Product and service is what quality is all about... again what salespeople are ingrained to believe.  And then there is the other 89 who are satisfied but say nothing at all. That is the target of advertisers.

The concept of 'networking' is not new. It has not even changed. It just has many growing faces.
Reaching the most people in the least amount of time, targeting certain people instead of everyone. Only the forms of communication are different. Platforms used to mean standing on a soap box and screaming at the top of your lungs. Now it is like passing notes to your classmates to copy and pass on to others, ad infinitum.

A great example, the [Holy] Bible. Still being printed and distributed, still advertising and attempting to convert a population of...everyone.
- see also Viral marketing, Multi-level marketing (MLM), and Pyramid scheme.

Other terms being used in sales but not yet defined / published are Branding and Metrics [not to be confused with 'matrix'].
Branding- Make a product or store or chain more appealing to the general public. Changes in logos creates controversy, not makes it more up-to-date; hence, drew in more people.
Metrics- individual survey results are categorized and a 'trend' is percieved. Adjust the ads and internal [in-store] policies to target and hold certain groups, ie, age, gender, ethnicity. "It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door"- Feerengi Rules of Acquisition.

I just noticed in the FB side-bar 'Small-Business Saturday.' What caught my eye? The '473,593 people like this' looks like '500 million FB users.' The '$1' does it mean $1 off? or only a $1. The cute girl's photo? or all of the above in that order? Within those [slow, no think] 1.5 seconds, did I click on it? Yes. Seeing 'Saturday' and ;November 27' automatically [1 second] made me THINK "after Black Friday sales" and invited me to read further.

Bait, draw in, snag, all in 10 seconds or less. Am I weak, or are they decide.
- see the next to last point in a previous post

"Do You Hear What I Hear?" Made famous by Bing Crosby and more recently Carrie Underwood.
Can you see the insideous way a message was grown in this song's theme? how it 'made' peasants, a king, and a kingdom do something they would otherwise have not done? give up 'siver and gold'?

"Open the gates! Let loose the marketers! Let the shoppers pass through the doorways to..." well you get the picture.

OK, I found this when searching the above song. Not quite the same, but I like it!
It IS a matter of perspective, which is what Art, , marketting, music, and opinions are all about.

A "new" FB tool- added Friday after Thanksgiving 2010
The Bottom Line
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]     "All Roads Lead To Rome" - Home Page
[ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]     The Latest 3 Posts
[ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ]     My Mind on the WEB
[ A ] [ 0 ] [ # ]    My Note PADD

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Touch Me, Feed Me, Read to Me, Entertain me

In the News This Week

Here's a thought. Why not have every airline passenger strip and wear only a hospital gown?
...OK, you can touch me all you like, if I can do the same to you.

Yay! More jobs promised! FOR INDIA

     Spam was 'graciously' provided by the US Navy. They did not have to eat it! The USS Romald Regan could have served jelly beans hehe. But that's not the point. They paid to be pampered and instead got an adventure of a lifetime! Fk'n liberals should experience weeks in a mine shaft, or at a resort next to that Indonesian volcano. Just to be fair though, not everyone complained.
     ATM imagining hunting for cougars on a dead ship....hmmmmm
     JST- Really!!!!!!!!!!!

     We all knew he was an idiot. The ONLY way he could ever write a book is by lifting the pages with Silly Putty! I'll keep the book next to the one by Paris Hilton.
     I am not adverse to the use of multiple sources by an 'author' and calling it his own. I have not read the book yet, but I doubt Bush gave credit or even acknowledged the 'true' sources. In his defense, many 'autobiographies' have been ghostwritten [not their own words], well after their death, he just decided to do it himself.

Lame Ducks in the Nation, Pelosi still head of House Democrats California Oakland, Ron Dellums 'says good-bye'   He should have just kept his mouth shut, tail between his legs-  he's got no balls there anyways
"We don't have a plan." catch phrase of the government
Evening Edition 11pm  CBS 5

UC raises tuition 8%; 50% in the past ten years. This is to cover a $1 B shortfall. Officials making six figures get raises and high paying positions are opened.

CA State officials meet regarding money matters. In Hawaii. Paid for by special interest groups, not the taxpayers...yet.

CHP officer caught on YouTube for being verbally rude to a German tourist. So what?!? Gave him a warning instead of a citation for speeding. That's money the State should have had!
- YouTube? Goes viral with no journalistic ideals required. Becomes evidence in any investigation and court of opinion.

Harry Potter 7.1 showing at midnight. 12 years of a 4-year college?!? I did mine in 7!

Black Friday coming soon! Wait, didn't it happen after Veterans' Day? And again tomorrow?

"Do you want a warranty with that?" Ask the salesperson if they are a certified insurance agent. 
"Do you want to apply for our credit card?" Ask to see hir for banking or credit sales agent accreditation.
"Excuse me, do you work here? Show me proof that you are qualified to work here." OK the last one was too much.

SF-Bay Area Discounts- Just bring yourr drivers liscense as proof. This is discrimination.

Thanksgiving coming next week. From near eastern Europe. Grecce with my Turkey and Romania lettuce.

Again, FaceBook invades our privacy! Let's get one thing straight...WE invaded FB, It's just fighting back!

Pelosi stays as head of House Democrat. The oldest stripper in Congress! Q'pla!

Whatever Happened to...

Sources:  Bill Maher     Jon Stewart     SNL Weekend Update
FOX News- like watching a train wreck, just entertainment, not to be taken seriously

Today's Music choices...
 The Lord's Prayer by Sister Mead 1973
     Thanks DL, I have been looking all over for this song. Should be easy enough, but there are a surprisising number of versions of the same title. Up there with "Eres Tu" and "Dominique" by the Singing Nun.
The Ballad of The Green Beret by Sgt Barry Sadler, movie 1968
     This goes out to ALL the men and women of our Armed Forces past and present. They are all Special Forces.
One Tin Soldier - The Legend of Billy Jack 1969 - 1974 ant-War song
     I do NOT support the President and Congress and the corporations who say war is necessary, but for the wrong reasons. Then don't back them up. War is a means with an end, conquest or exit.

All joking aside...

With all the media about this, I have my 'final; comments about this.
1} Security is an ideal;
2) Privacy is kept in the home.

Nothing is ever secure. If someone wants to do something badly enough, they will.
In this case, full internal scans can be fooled. Contrary to the movie Total Recall. Certain liquids and gels cannot be differentiated from other organics, ie. digesting food. It could be explosive or infectious. That's why containers of toothpaste, shampoo, peanut butter, and water are dispoed of right away instead of asking you how you will be using it on the plane. Pat downs can't can't detect implants or fake body enhancements. Short of cavity searces, anything can fool the hands and eyes of an inspector. Just as in prisons. 3 passengers might have the components to assemble one weapon. No system can stop a person who is a suicide weapon.

Your personal dignity is not the issue here. The TSA and the airport that it protects has every right to set rules for all customers/passengers/users. Posted and explained, it is your right to agree OR find some other way to travel. It is NOT your right to slow the process just as a matter of principle, Or you could agree to it. There is no grounds for a law suit once you agree. They can still refuse you service [passage] just as any other business. If someone later wants to file a complaint, it will be against the one individual who did the pat down. Or the person who 'saved' their scanned image, if you can prove it. Do it on your own time. You do not have the right to assume everyone is as stupid as you are.

Just move along home.

Airport security and other travel tips.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The War of 2011

Eurasian continent of the early 21st Century.
Current hotspots, Pacific Ocean, Western Theater of Operations [US]…two regions.
Major US Bases and Fleet support…Okinawa, Japan; Philippines [treaty zones pending];
Guam- Central Command, Data and Communications
US Naval Fleets…Arctic Circle Fast Response Fleet out of Alaska;
West Pacific [active], Southeast Pacific [level 2, diplomatic]
Indian Ocean Fast Response Fleet
Pacific Submarine Nuclear Strike Forces [classified locations]

Bering Straits-Alaska…NE Russian satellite expansion vs. US-Canada-British Joint Forces- loosely called the “Palin War” Fishing is the main resource being fought over, not oil or minerals. Anticipating a world-wide hunger crisis, the two nations are noticing higher than normal incidents between fisher boats and patrol ships. Also noted are greater traffic of submarines in the sub-arctic seas. A joint effort has been discussed and delayed by special interests centered in neighboring nations fearful of competition by a Superpower alliance. Covert information gathering by parties unknown have been rumored to have been started by families whose resources have been hidden, their public images hiding the truth. Former governor Sarah Palin is one such person.

North-South Korea Armistice Neutral Zone- China and Japan remain neutral observers. A post-nuclear hot-spot bordering two Superpowers. The current leadership is at best xenophobic towards both democracy and Socialist dominance which serves its purpose only to support a egocentric maniac. The change in power due to the age of the current leader is a wild card, not knowing how the current military and political powers will respond at the death of Kim Jong-il.

Shanghai-Beijing opens economic, cultural, trade hub world-wide network…amidst public outcries against pollutions emissions of its factories, accusations of child-labor, social cleansing to stem population growth, and the suppression of freedom speakers.  See 2008 Olympics.
With the Cold War of US-Communist relations, most maps show mainland China as a black space behind a “Bamboo Curtain” much like the Romulan Empire of 2161-2260s. It took an Indo-China conflict [Vietnam War] to finally open relations between the two Super Powers. See “Only Nixon Can Go To China”

Taiwan-China succession and free-trade zone; since post-World War II, the island of Taiwan has declared itself the ‘true’ China. with Taiwan again a thorn in China’s side.  See missiles in Taiwan.

Senaku Islands Dispute
China, in a very rare instance, supports Taiwan's claim of it being part of Yalin,
7 September 2010: A Chinese fishing trawler collided with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats in disputed waters near the islands. The Japanese boarded the Chinese vessel and arrested the captain. Using the incident as part of its negotiations in its G-20 talks with the US.
It is clearly a territory of Japan under the jurisdiction of Okinawa.
1895 became part of Japan in the Treaty after the First Sino-Japanese War.
Other than the brief ownership by the US after World War II, it has been part of Japan.
16 April 2008: Two fighters were suspected of protecting Chinese nuclear submarines operating in that area.
-  Senaku Islands   map   more

Hong Kong Free-trade Zone declared ‘crime free’
Unknown to the general public, strict measures of public surveillance and a harsh justice system has taken root in the once black market center. Public and private areas are seeing an increase in cameras networked into a central data hub. Covert response teams of 2 to 20 black-clad operatives have been observed taking down crime elements from simple infractions to major operations. The physical operation, ie. arrest, itself is held in strictest media black-out. After-operations reports and videos are made public including the summary judgments. Penalties include fines, up to conscription into the military forces. There is no imprisonment here where land is a rare commodity.

Indonesia Natural and Economic Crisis Zone
Following various natural disasters, the latest of which is the volcano eruption and tsunami of late-2010, the US is the last to offer humanitarian aid to the natives of the islands. There have been reports of submarine patrols in the nearby seas. It has been estimated that the mineral wealth of the archipelago waters may be able to support the world’s economy for a century. The instability of the region’s volcanic and tectonic activity has been noted for nearly three centuries. Rumors of secret scientific bases have been popularized in fiction.
Indonesia's disasters kill 488, displace 85,000

European Economic Crisis and The Vatican War
Following the decline of the Greek economy and the unrest sparked by drastic changes imposed by the French government, many construction projects have stopped. Controversy over the awarding of public figures and the bail-outs of banks has led to rioting. Summits have been indefinitely postponed and diplomatic ties have changed across the continent. England’s Royal Family has declared itself I seclusion following various attempts of assassination and discrediting of key officials.

Various conflicts around the world have been funded by the Pope. To avoid internal conflict , speculations, and differences in opinion which may lead to tangent policies, a specific Order has been created within the Papal Office. Agents use sophisticated means of communications, surveillance, and money transferring. It has largely been responsible for the economic decline of ‘allied’ nations. The long-term goal is to insert itself within all levels of social control, media, and economics. The localized or short-term effects are small riots and cross-border protests.

Afghanistan region [war zone]
-  Pakistan route
Baghdad capital region
Jerusalem region

Major US Bases and Fleet support
North Atlantic Joint Command and Joint Mediterranean Command [formerly NATO and WARSAW Pacts];
South Atlantic Support Fleet [joint SE Pacific-Indian Ocean Operations]

African Tech-free Zones
Following the outbreaks of cholera, racial genocide, and culling of whole populations, central Africa has been declared a ‘no-mans’ land’ by it’s neighbor states. From the former Sudan, west between the Sahara and savannah, all but Mediterranean and Ivory Coast ports have been closed. Sudan-Ethiopia has been called  ‘ArmaGhetto’ by Arab nations across the strait to the north. Travel to the region has been deemed dangerous by all nations, in light of various kidnappings and murders in recent years. Piracy has run unchecked, aided by warlords who are funded by secret assets from corporations from abroad. Aid is no longer provided for the region that has no resources to offer the world community. Construction, technology, transportation, and communications is only maintained by few engineers still living there. Observation platforms have been placed along the south Atlantic to deter black market and slave trade. The only humanitarian organization ‘The Red Cross-Crescent’ has control of entry into the region.

[Addenda] The UN is being asked to intervene in yet another coming civil war, this time the Ivory Coast. mean United States Armed Forces. Why are we in the Middle East where we are not wanted? To stop terrorism >AAAnk< Wrong answer...OIL! Now Africa?!? What for? Colonialism died during the Industrial Revolutions. It has nothing more to offer. Except human rights movements and chocolate. Quarantine the damn continent until its governments wise up. But don't send troops there!

see also Tunisia and Egypt, January 2011
...also Sudan

Special Forces: US Pacific coastline, Homeland Security;  Immigration Divisions I to V

Latin American Republics
Unrest has led to the complete overthrow of various nations in this region following the collapse of the Mexican peso. Hoarding of possessions and resources alike has left chaos with military and police protection no longer existing. Amazingly, crime and violence has been minor, even lower than when police existed. A barter system has replaced capital ownerships, and cooperative networks have redrawn the former national boundaries.

South American Continent Quarantined
Due in part to the take-over of regions by long-established drug cartels, many governments have collapsed or been rendered as puppet status in the overall economy. Major exports of raw materials such as foodstuffs and unprocessed metals and ores are now halted during the fast-track construction of cities along the coast and major river ways. Major funding and technological support comes from China for oil concessions needed by it’s own factory cities. Officially trade-embargoed by the US and European allies, there is a thriving black-market for rare items ranging from pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs to items manufactured with cheap labor. The disaster ravaged Caribbean is a hotbed for a thriving black market.

see also   US Troops around the World    Utopia   The Eugenics Wars

Additional updates to follow...
Haiti unrest is funded by US interests testing bio-WMDs before applying it to Castro-Cuba.
Guatemala outbreaks is a two-fold mission to test destabilizing a country as well as hiding secret military forward installations for invading any adjacent nation.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Personal Information and Privacy Lost the War

"Personal Information and Privacy Protection lost the war against the Freedom of Information Act of 2011. Each individual is now responsible for his/her/their own person and personality." I posted this in my blog about a possible near future. It's here, now! With so much information now accessible to everyone, there is no way to regulate, investigate, or do anything about it. It can, however be corellated by commercial entities.

The First Amendment protects NO ONE. It was never meant to. And only in the mid-20th century has it even been questioned in any way. The Espionage Act, defamation of character laws, definition of  'the press' which come from it are actually restrictions, not freedoms.

The moment you post an opinion, have anything recorded, or are overheard saying are subject to investigation, summary judgement without proof; and penalties not subject of any written laws . You say anything about your place of work, co-worker, customer. You hate republicans, your boss is republican, you're fired. No reason needed. Really. You take someone's posted comment, change it a little and repost it as your own [or even acknowledge the source], you have infringed on his rights [even if he doesn't care either way].  Previously posted.

The Press is dead! Well at least journalism as an art is. Anyone with access to YouTube or blog or Twitter is essentially a freelance reporter. Information does not even need to be corraborated. All it takes is an intelligent and imaginative mind to have an event go viral. The biggest difference is that commercialism is not the primary reason. No overhead. Free access means no cost means no ad support required. Readers are intelligent! They know real from sensational, which fools a lot of professional journalists. Balloon Boy and Wendy's finger lady come to mind.

More on journalism later, but I did NOT say that Writing was is alive and well. Intelligent blogs and posts can involve personal experiences as well as those related to a particular field. One recently come to mind 'The Writing Gene.' Social Media is also an art that is a singled out term that can relate to many forms of communication, on many levels.

You Like, Share, or join a Group. You did not know that there wass a hidden agenda to any of them. Add a friend you know, but did not know his political view included a form of socialism- or that of a Friend, Friend of a Friend, etc-  you are now under federal envestigation under the Espionage Act...which is protected by, hold on...The First Ammendment.

Now if you will excuse me, a black car just parked in front of my driveway.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do You Buy Into These?

The Post-Election Edition        November 5, 2010  11:33 p.m.            Stardate 10843.838

Are you supporting deploreable conditions worldwide by buying any of the following?

You already know about the fur coats, leather [c'mon it's just cow hide], and cosmetics. Shampoos and chemicals you use regularly on your bodies [stearate means 'of hooved animals'], and rare delicacies [I wouldn't eat that shit]. Goose down comforters and jackets, sheep's wool. How many times were the animals plucked and sheared before finally dying?

Meat, fish, and poultry. Now come on, there is no humane way to end a life to put on your dinner table! Aren't those live crab a real San Francisco treat? Boiled, cracked, and served with tartar and a lemon while you watch mmmmm

Bootleg movies and music fund terrorists [or so they say]. It takes away revenues. Yet the same industry distributes new movies abroad before showing in the US, to 'pad' the opening gross. The countries they show them in, the same one with the 'terrorists' who are actually freedom fhghters. So you are funding both sides of a civil war! Enjoy the movie.

Chocolates from Europe are made from cocoa harvested in western Africa, more than 2/3s of the world's supply. Harvested by children no older than 15. In conditons more deplorable than sweat shops and farms near Mexico. So enjoy the Cadbury picked by a child who doesn't know what a candy bar is.

Expensive brand products that are marked up 1,000 times over labor? Congratulations, you just helped a seven year old feed his family at 12 cents a day. But an American lost his job today because of you. Oh well.

Products not made in the USA? Worse yet, Walmart's knock-offs? Customer service from around the world? Don't think of it as if you are supporting just made a [US] CEO that much richer!
California Marijuana Initiative

Proposition 19 did not pass. It would have legalized the production, sale, possession, and use of marijuana for recreational purposes.

There are reasons why it did not pass.
It did not define any restrictions as to its use, publicly or privately. I, for one, do not want the smell of it in public, even 'open' parks. I would avoid a person who reeked of it in their clothes, hair, skin just as I would with an obvious alcoholic, smelled of tobacco, or other foul smell.

The government wants to profit with the use of a substance known to cause effects that are so different in each individual. This is irresponsible. Politicians see this as a popularity tool. Bureaucrats would see this as a form of profit. Many would want a piece of this licensed business if made to look lucrative. 'Quality' growers see this a a threat to their business. Current legitimate medical users would see lesser quality products.

Ads were deceptive.
It would hurt the Mexican drug cartels. False! They never saw CA as a potential target or threat to their business, since they dealt more in cocaine and chemical processing. Although British Columbia would have seen CA as a trade partner since they legally produce quality pods.

Monday, November 1, 2010

And so begins November

Let’s not be complacent, avoiding anything that will disrupt one’s normal life.
Vote!   Volunteer!   Join!

My Choices...or as said in Kitchen Stadium LET THE BATTLE BEGIN !
US Senate Barbara Boxer
-  Fiorina's statement is too mcuh 'I'
Governor Brown
-  I would still choose a 'failed' career politician over a CEO
Lt Gov Maldonado
-  Newsom is a 'poster boy' who really did nothing for San Francisco
[no surprise here, at least he stays in a cushy back office with no meaning]
Perata or Quan for Mayor of Oakland...City Hall is just one huge bureaucracy, i don't care
19  YES Whatever! It's bound to happen anyways.
[we're not ready to see everyone 'lighting up' in the streets. Perhaps if they show what the tax structure and public restrictions are first]
20  NO
21  YES
22  YES Each has their own funds!
23  NO Apply it now! Jobs will still be lost anyways.
24  YES Businesses need to stop redistributing their 'liaabilities'
25   NO The simple majority vote definitely allows the biggest party to win! Not good in any government.
[ok, well, I guess I will just flip a coin on this one when the time comes around again]
26  YES
27 . YES Get rid of one bureaucracy
[I was wrong about 20 and 27. CA ppl do want a bureaucracy to determine our borders/lines of representation. * my comments are my own, and does not project 'sour bitter grapes']

Meg and Fio-whaterver...great CEOs who got the job done! I don't feel sorry one-ass-bit for the employees who lost jobs. Greed plus opportunity equals profits and personal wealth. Am I voting for them? Hell no!
Palin will run for President in 2012 "if no one else will." I'm moving to Alaska.
After the elections, I hope the Teabaggers go back into the hole they came from. Just a smokescreen to pull undecideds to the Republican side. Conservatives = "we don't have a plan."
The new government motto "We don't have a plan!"

FedEx delivery from Yemen?!? Don't sign for it! Return to sender.
Chilean miners...get back to work! It ain't coming out of the ground on it's own.
Giants Win The Series!!! well they will tonight...
Go Raiders!! Two wins in a row...still doesn't prevent a blackout
"...all men are created equal" just taxed differently. Here's a thought, why not abolish the taxation systems as it is, and tax EVERY transaction 15% to be distributed to the running of the country, state and cities? Besides purchases, this would include income. No more state and "local" taxes. [why do we have counties anyways?] No additional tax for alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis [all referred as a "sin tax"*]. Coming soon, an oxygen tax based on how we breathe. Along with fines, that should keep our country running!

*About the ATF
ATF regulates via licensing the sale, possession, and transportation of firearms, ammunition, and explosives in interstate commerce. Alcohol and soon marijuana is seen as such a commodity. They also investigation federal offenses involving the unlawful use, manufacture, and possession of these as well. Meaning "pay the Revenuers!"
re CGT's post "While our nation is declining dangerously right now, a turnaround could be straightforward and simple with Libertarian steps like these: 1. Bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; 2. Stop rewarding failed companies with bailouts; 3. Cut taxes and spending and let the free market work.

JD- Although I do feel that we need to bring our solders home, I believe it is a moral issue. I don’t see this helping as much as people think. Yes it will stop the money spent on the war. It will also bring 150,000 unemployed people to the mix. This will not help the economy. Now lets talk about the support personnel that are not in Afghanistan and Iraq. The companies that supply everything that is used by the troops will have to lay off employees. This will add millions of people to the unemployment lines. I think that telling people that ending the wars will improve the economy is misleading. Unfortunately the truth is that war is good for the economy not bad. If you are opposed to war for moral reasons you should say it. “Just My Opinion”

So you are saying that war is good for business. That would be true if we were in an actual war, then we'd be using a full war economy instead of some half-assed, cost-cutting corporations profitting. 100s of thousands of troops in countrries that don't want our help. Afghanistan I understand. It's a hell hole that needs to be cleaned out of terrorists.
Please read my “War is good for business." Also bringing home the troops does not mean making them unemployed. Most still need to complete their tour of duty.

In that sense, I am in favor of a less restrictive military recruitment policy. Open to all ages, as a true equal opportunity employer. Soldiers are still needed in peacetime. As humanitarians, not just trained to kill! The big problem is, can Congress afford it?!?
A texter's dilemma in history...
"For want of the letter 'K' a man never became a knight
And a kingdom never came to be"
Site of choice today
"Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised". -Marilyn Manson
this is so true! Scandals, politics, and violence sell news. And especially disasters. They milk it until it becomes "old news." Politicians WANT to put their lies out on TV. Some people want their "15 minutes" of fame, like Balloon Boy. I personally do not care if Tiger Woods f^*$s around, or if Bonds suddenly dies due to steroid complications. Except for a very few genuinely compassionate anchors and reporters, I am tired of seeing fake ones on TV. Ask yourself "Whatever happened to..." and fill in the blank on any human interest story from not too far back. Current events and "breaking news" news is what advertisers want...and make no mistake about it, big corporations own the news! It's all about Ratings.
- see Max Headroom TV series "Good reporters MAKE the news" on You Tube
I scored 31 as being possibly Autistic
'New' on FB. We all know that we can send private messages on the upper left. You may not know, you can also 'I am sending a shout out' to 5 people. This would be 'cc' or 'to more than one contact' feature in e-mails. All responses to it and messages will now be in this 'chat room.' old AOL term.
     It seems to have surprised a few friends of mine that a response to another was visible to everyone in that 'room.'
A pessimist sees the glass as half empty;
An optimist sees the glass as half full;
An pragmatist takes the glass and drinks it empty’;
Most of us though avoid or deny seeing the glass altogether.
Sources for my 'political scorecard'
Google  /  Politics Daily  /