Retinal Scan...Searching...

Retinal Scan...Searching...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Views of Utopia

There will be a world-wide network of major city-nations in the hundreds of millions. Mile high buildings will house tens to hundreds of thousands each. The majority of Earth's surface will be 'left to the wild.'

Communication, transportation, and distribution of goods follow the same routes world-wide.
Quantum level communications will allow instant access of information by every citizen.
Data hubs [former servers] are accessed through a 'second world.' Anyone in that world of virtual possibilities follows a set of protocols [rather than 'laws']. Any economics applied 'in-world' is not subject to the same rules in reality [see economics below]. Personal Information and Privacy lost the war against the Freedom of Information Act of 2012. Each individual is now responsible for hir own on-line person and personality.

Technology will leap to mega-proportions in construction, where what takes 5 to 10 years will only take 1 year. There is no longer a need for separate constructions, with all of its delays and logistics problems we saw in the early 2000s.

Mass-gravity has finally been conquered. Access to 'zero mass' transit is available to any citizen. Travel to any point in the world is now possible by flight without fuel consumption restrictions. There are still requirements for protection from air friction as well as safety-comfort conditions. Air "cars" will fly at higher altitudes and rate of speeds than personal "flyers." Air "ships" will afford comfortable accommodations for transcontinental travel at any speed.

Production of foods and essential items is no longer centralized. Factories have replaced farms utilizing resource material rather than land area. Distribution of goods is now computer controlled using supply-demand-distance mathematics. Emphasis is localization and easy duplication of manufacturing.

Every citizen, except the military is posted a 'one million dollar' account at maturity. This was based on the 40-year income-spending of the 2020s. Except for the State provided housing, each adult is responsible for their own life, given the same access to information, services, and necessities required. All transactions are posted in their own accounting database. When for any reason a person is 'terminated' from society, any purchases made becomes the property of the State. Death, conviction leading to military assignment, and voluntary removal fall into this category. Every transaction, big or small will have a ten percent 'tax' to be distributed to the various levels of services. The rule of 1-2-3-4 applies [local to national].

Gone are the specialized occupations of retail, law, insurance, financial speculation. Government workers are still necessary to the proper running of any society, regardless of the race, creed, or geography. Everyone is drafted into a public service or government office, based early on their aptitude. Administrative officers are drawn from a lottery of government office workers. Terms are for four years, after which there is no re-call or pension. Once done, they return to their former way of life.

Interactions between peoples is no longer enforced by legislative means. Rather, a system is enforced where a true class-less society may practice their religious, social, and other needs, ONLY within their own homes or designated enclosed public areas. Everyone has rights, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. There is no denial of access based on gender or appearances or orientation. There is no longer any outward show of the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or anything once considered offensive or a pollutant. The removal of materialistic desires has led to the reduction of all crimes at all levels.

Boredom is the biggest problem with populations in the hundreds of millions, 98% of which is unemployed. Even with state run entertainment and access to all information around the world, there will be malcontents. A cadre of Street Judges patrol the streets, skies, and halls of the city. Each is empowered to meet out 'instant justice.' Creating a nuisance to bodily harm to destruction of property are dealt with harshly, up to the temporary removal of access to all but the most basic of services. Potential Judges are trained early in life, based on desired physique and psyche profiles. Unlike occupational aptitude testing, training is more rigorous. A 95% 'drop-out' rate still go into more specialized services, such as medical, technological, surveillance, etc.

The bulk of the military is composed of those convicted of crimes against persons or property. They are conscripted, trained, and stationed away from the general population. Long-term incarceration, never being a force for rehabilitation, is abandoned as a practice. Worse offenders are placed farther away from civil population centers in 'special' groups.

Sample crimes...
- Experimentation and use of animals as pets has been outlawed. As such, there are reports of people enhancing plants as an alternative;
- Use and transportation of banned substances and materials in public;
- Interfering with, harming, or any action resulting in the death of any person or process;
- Having more than one job- "moonlighting"

Based on Judge Dredd c. 2000AD and Max Headroom

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

$pectrum of Money

THE Following refers to individuals, not organizations.

 Although most do tend to group within their own level. A person may “move” between different colors, depending on their current situation. This by no means a science or study of any kind. These are only my personal observations.

Unemployed and deep in debt. May be homeless, without any resources available to them. Psychologically broken. Will not likely turn to crime, having a more down trodden nature.

Unemployed or deep in debt, but with some resources available to them. Under some form of government assistance. Renters or homes foreclosed. A small minority may turn to petty crime. Prisoners and institutionalized people fall into this category.

Cautious spender- target of most lenders. These are the ones that make it in the news as filing complaints and asking for help. Mostly families with children. Pretty much stays within the system.

Middle income Majority. This is pretty much most of us consumers. Generally families with the most average lifestyle. Full time employment with spending within the norms for credit to income. These are the ones that vote, participate in polls, protest marches, and charities. Leisure and entertainment is not a problem for them.

Inherited into money; privileged. May be philanthropists, knowing there will be tax breaks and publicity. Generally self-satisfied and not prone to illegal activities.

Government band of the spectrum. Not specifically the politicians, but relies upon those in office. To some extent, monies are also being used in political campaigns and various organizations, profit or non-profit. Not visible to the general public.

Wealthiest individuals and families of movers. CEOs of big business. Politicians and celebrities. Very much visible in the news media.

Hidden Wealth; Power; not under any jurisdiction. Not known to the general public.

"Off the grid" Mostly homeless. But also includes those who decide not to be part of the general population.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Daily Planet

Bringing You Tomorrow's News Today
Not yet 'put to bed'
Arizona Wildire  more
Link TV
A Week in July                                                            7/21/2011  7:25 pm a Thurssday

Quote of the day: “A house divided has no ceiling”

Idiots in the News this week...
- Suspect who died in a confrontation with San Francisco police officers on Saturday in the Bayview neighborhood appears to have fired the fatal shot from his own pistol…no comment;
- John Edwards' campaign owes the government more than $2 million…to be audited prior to his judgment before God;
- three people who were swept over a waterfall in Yosemite…rails are there for a reason, not because it’s a pretty place for a Kodak moment;
- Michele Bachmann yesterday responded to questions about her migraine headaches by releasing a letter from her doctor saying she is in good health…mentally, notwithstanding;
- Sixteen suspected members of "Anonymous" were arrested this morning in states across the country…hackers hacked…never heard of avatars;
- Whoever termed "Carmageddon,” the feared traffic jam from the long-publicized weekend shutdown of the Los Angeles freeway…actually had a calm pass off and life was back to normal early Monday.

News at 5, 6 then at 11                                                                     7/15/2011 6 p.m. a Friday
Watching the news early in the day. Some things just piss me off.
  [I originally thought about saying "depressing" bur felt "pissed" adds more flavor to my comments]
-  Libya...why the hell would we fund the rebels? Doesn't Hillary know that we can't just print money like it was nothing? No one officially helped us in our battles! I hardly see how scattered combatants can be considered a 'legitimate' government.
-  L.A.'s Carmageddon closing of a section of 405 will change life as we know it. Really!?
-  I am all for adding the contributions of LGBT in social studies. I am against stressing that they are LGBT. Just like current ethnic histories, it should be an elective.
- I feel bad for the guy who fell into a blowhole. But what the hell was he standing there for? The family wants to blame someone for not putting up signs?! Hello, it's a blow hole!
-  Obama was ordering pizza and accidentally reached the shuttle crew fixing the ISS toilet.
- California woman who allegedly [that stupid word again] cut off husband's penis may be sent to a penal colony if found guilty.
- British hacking...tsk tsk sheame on you! Next time get lessons from the FBI, NSA, CIA, FCC, INS-ICE, and the Girl Scouts. Don't get caught!
- Fruitvale District, BART station and Intermational to 35th area, not Dimond, even though it IS on Fruitvale. Now under police surveillence. Not just streetside, but inside some establishments. Good! if it works. Just like if you call 911 elsewhere, goo luck on getting help.
Conspiracy #601- Manufacture crimes so citizens will ask for their civil liberties to be curtailed.
If she becomes president, will we be singing songs from Bachman–Turner Overdrive for four years?
If she becomes president, will we be singing songs from Bachman–Turner Overdrive for four years?
End of May Edition                                                   6/1/2011  12:44am PDT a Wednesday
Nothing new to be excited about this month. Mainly an extension of last month-end's events.
Republican presidential candidates announcements and pull-outs, tornadoes, Libya, and a Rapture tha never happened.

Sarah Palin is touring the USA
The Mystery Tour- No this is not the Beatles song. Promises to be a psychedelic road kill nonetheless. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?

TV season ends, some permanently
Smallville ends after ten years. Lois Lane and Clark Kent announce their wedding 7 years after that.
Fox doesn't know that birth control is easy...House and Bones.
May Day Edition                                                           5/1/2011 CE 9pm PDT a Sunday

“Obama has announced that Osama bin Laden has been killed
Finally! HALO and other video game training sees results!

Will Obama be viewed as a murderer because he admittedly ordered the death of Osama?

He was in a mansion. All along others have been saying that he was not hidden in a ‘Batcave.’ All this time he was in Wayne Manor, Pakistan! Neighbors will probably be interviewed, “He was such a nice man. Very quiet. We had no idea.”

Steve Moyer says Bin Laden died of boredom, watching the Oakland A's.
Actually the second thing the special operations team did was cut off his Direct TV. Right after they delivered his pizza.

The new series CHAOS was put on hiatus to keep the CIA out of the all too public entertainment media.

The timing is impeccable! May 1, 2011. May Day. “5/1” will replace the popularity of the “9/11” phrase. 

Watching the news...I love that right now, in this space of time, there are no "Republicans" and "Democrats" just AMERICANS...
That's why they timed this announcement for a late evening weekend. To catch the politicians off guard, not able to immediately put their two cents in. Come Monday morning, they'll be jumping on the band wagon from their richly appointed homes!
March 2009 Obama declared the end the “War on Terror.” -- or at least the use of that phrase -- has been codified at the Pentagon.
End of April Edition
April 25-28 Tornado Outbreak   Storm Reports 
The Royal Wedding     The Ceremony Live
Donald Trump stirs the Obama Birth Certificate conspiracy
Weekend Edition                                                                                  March 12, 2011
Sendai earthquake and tsunami
Middle East and North Africa protests
- Oct 9, 2010 Sahrawi
-   Libyan uprising
-  Syrian Uprising
Wisconsin protests - Another Libya? here at home? Walker/Khadaffi wants his Democrats back! Sit back with cheese and a beer and watch them fight it out at the border.
-  Don't work here!
Early Monday  Edition                                                                          February 14, 2011
The Pres of Egypt is [was] like the boyfriend/ girlfriend who can't understand "I don't want to see you anymore." "Is it the way I dress? I'll change that." "You don't like my family? OK we don't have to see them." "Being in Mom's basement?"...
DUDE I don't want to see you! not your cabinet! not your promise to change! I want you out now, not in September.

Current news in the Arab World
Rather than what looks like war coming out of the Arab world, it is what, no one knows.

The 'work for basic necessities' in a 'credit capital' system does not seem to be working. Something we in the US are not immune to. I stated elsewhere that the 10% [unemployment] might be the breaking point for us. We might be seeing a repeat of the fall of Communist Soviets. Besides ousting presidents and corrupt governments, each of these nations will be looking at each other to see what works. Kuwait for example is 'giving' food and what I call a rebate to all of its citizens. A concept that is not new. 2012 Northern Africa will be a phoenix! This unrest will not end up like its neighbors to the north-east.
The unrest in North Africa is about the lack of  'work for basic necessities' and the government corruption that led to it. It is sparked and fanned by incidents of self-immolation and social media [FaceBook]. Not 'the Muslim Brotherhood' or calls for Jihad/Caliphate as some political-evangelists keep yelling on cable TV at the top of their lungs [more on this later]. The first group were the completely down-trodden, harrassed by local police, shred of all dignity in a society where that is sacred [ok don't get me started with 'life is worth a few thousand dollars, a year in jail, and free publicity' in the US]. The second group are well-educated, some from influential families, all disgusted...not violent.

There will be those that will do violence, just for the sake of side or purpose. That's why it's called a powderkeg.

Raves, flash mobs, and 'let's all meet at Tahrir Square.' FB has been said to be the cause of Tunisia's downfall. That's arrogant. The attempted blackout of FB, the Internet, and now the violence towards jornalists who jump in to get puched- the Geraldo Rivera syndrome. The different forms of media, like fire, are tools. Dangerously unpredictable.

 US backs transition? No one has an idea what to transition to! Not the Egyptian president [he's a fool with his head in the sand], not the people protesting, not the other nations in north Africa.

Oh, my opinion...NO US troops!
I hope it does not become military. US intervention of our 'ideals' is not what they need. "Stay on your sides of the treaty neutral zone!"- a Klingon warning

The Sunday  Edition             February 6, 2011  12:48 p.m.                 Stardate 111098.63

Smallville on the WB
I had said so before on October 16 last year "The truth about Chloe...she wasn't abducted as it seems. She is either the new White Queen or The Oracle/Watchtower. But she IS the [reluctant?] head of the Suicide Squad. And everyone in the SS is supposed to be dead, at least as the world sees it. So Chloe fits in by taking cyanide, then having the antidote." In the comics, Barbara Gordon/Oracle/Watchtower provides information to the SS.

The real 'twist' of this episode was Chloe being asked to be a bride's maid...we never saw the proposal! I hope the actual wedding doesn't turn out followed by tragedy like Chloe-Jimmy Olsen'Doomsday. Or like Lois and Clark! As the season/series ends, I hope it ties up all loose ends...the final fates of J'onn J'onzz, Lex Luthor, Tess Mercer. For the final scene, I would like to see a hundred on-screens at the Watchtower, Clark and Lois flying past the window, Chloe and Tess acknowledging "Watchtower on-line" Fade to black.

I would be interested to see a single DC Universe series that focuses on a different character or group each week. How they interact. The animated Justice Leage series was popular not to kids, but to those that grew up to DC comics. It did not generalize everything into a grand fight scene at the end of every episode. Instead it focussed on personal interactions. Sometimes with just two characters involved, with what is happening around them just...background. Everyone can recite the legends of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. The show gave us insights on The Question's conspiracy paranoia, the Huntress' self-doubts, Hawkman's eternal love for Shayera. This is supposed to be a new decade of enlightenment. Contrary to the campiness of the '60s, the feminist/modern '70s, and the darkness of the '90s. It takes good writers to make a series, not just a script for a 'one-shot' movie focussing on one hero.

Smallville has proven one one works alone. Clark has always tried to bear the burden of responsibility on himself. Kept his secret even from those closest to him who eventually figure it out anyways. Who respect him enough to let him reveal his secret in his own way, rather than confronting him. Reluctantly, every character with an ability teams up with others. League Justice, Legion, Suicide Squad, the Society.

DisLikes CBS 5
Changes Not Just In The Months
Memoirs of a Madman
...Briefly [no personal editorials]
TSA and preparing for Thanksgiving
And So Begins November
The Evening Edition             October 11, 2010  12:31 p.m.                 Stardate 10775.344

The News in Brief...
Bank of America Halts Foreclosures Indefinitely Due To Incmpetence by Catherine Tripp
Liu Xiaobo recieves Nobel Peace Prize; China protests, Cuba criticizes
Kim Jong Un appointed successor of North Korean leader
Christine O'Donnelly 'I Am Not A Witch' Ad
California's Budget Plan
NATO supply route in Pakistan; Khyber Pass
US-Pakistan Relations Chronology

Local News...
The SF Giants are Going On!
Bay Bridge is actually built in China [by teenagers]

Tomorrow's Weather...
Bright with the chance of stupid.

Black helicopters along Nevada border bases. Sleeper agents activated at coffee shops statewide. Politicians given gag orders. NBC given the 'green light' to use comedy skits to downplay upcoming events. Preparing for an invasion to the Middle East? Nope. Marihuana dispensaries and high quality farms to be hit before the upcoming elections! You didn't hear it from me.

Today's Quote
"Light travels faster than sound. People appear to be bright until you hear them speak." Elbert Einstein

'Red Danube' and BP Spill and How It Relates to Katrina  [coming soon]

Upcoming events at Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival

My Source:  Google

Brought to you by Christopher Columbus and GE

Today is 10-10-10, four years, months, and days after 666. We survived so far!
Fleet Week in San Francisco
Oktoberfest at Dimond
Upcoming events at Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival
Word of the Day  Branding

"First" Edition______________________________________________________________
The Weekend Edition             October 16, 2010  10:41 a.m.                 Stardate 10789.042
Current Interests
Oakland Raiders beat Denver Sunday
Psychohistory - Isaac Asimov
Is the US involved in this one too?  Another outbreak in a Caribbean country

Television and Entertainment
Smallville..the final season. For those that know DC Comics history 1960 to the early '90s...1970 starts now! Rumors are brought up, scenes from upcoming episodes show things about the Smallville/DC world that would not surprise fans of Superman. Starting from Clark being his own worst enemy, Lois being his greatest weakness. Past episodes/seasons have hinted of a "darkness coming" one that will test him" [Clark]. The final scene of season 10, episode 1 shows none other than Darkseid! Introducing Jack Kirby's Fourth World and The New Gods of 1970. Jump to 1987, after the Crisis of Infinite Earth's. The faith of the general public towards its heroes is tested in the Legends story arc.
It is 1986 in Smallville. Legends has Darkseid, Glorious Godfrey, and Granny Goodness sowing the seeds of doubt in all heroes / vigilanties. Task Force X / Suicide Squad and the US government's Vigilante Registration Act is gearing up for the upcoming battle.

Lois and Clark will explore their relationship leading in to...Lois and Clark! The truth about Chloe...she wasn't abducted as it seems. She is either the new White Queen or The Oracle/Watchtower. But she IS the [reluctant?] head of the Suicide Squad. And everyone in the SS is supposed to be dead, at least as the world sees it. So Chloe fits in by taking cyanide, then having the antidote.

WB Entertainment [which owns DC, Comics et al] had a short lived series titled Birds Of Prey which eventually became a comic book series. It involved a Watchtower similar to Chloe's, building, hacking, communications, and the main character mentoring a new hero. Barbara Gordon [Batgirl], Helena Kyle [Huntress] and Dinah [Black Canary] are the central cast. All takes place in a darker Gotham City, years beyond the current continuity. Helena is the daughter of Batman and Catwoman.
-  see Wiki,  watch here  / and here

Science and Technology
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." Calvin and Hobbes
We are really that uninteresting...or potentially dangerous!
UFOs, ghosts, de ja vu, things just at the periphery are the wakes of alternate realities.

"Where are the flying cars?" I was once asked. Here in Ga Ga Land. Freddie Mercury is one good looking guy! at Live Aid 1985. No wonder Lady Ga Ga wants to be like him.

News sources:  abc7 news   Crime Stats   Live Cams

The News in Brief...
Rescued Chilean miners return to normalcy as the media circus remains stupid
Meg and Brown debate outrages whores and other workers
HummmMMM Baby!  Go Giants!
Tomorrow - Raiders invade SF across the Bay; 49ers face siege!
Safety services and School programs cut
Who the hell is Justin Beiber? Any relation to THE Beaver?

Can anybody tell me in a few words what the "Tea Party Movement"  is? I flunked American History in HS when I applied Chaos and Conspiracy theories to it. Rep = keep the rich rich; Dem = don't have a sound plan, And what's with all these people outside? Haven't we realized in 200 years that you have to be on the inside to make a difference? [ooohh teabagger! I get it]

In Entertainment
Today's Quote
"Ya canna change the laws of physics!"- Cmdr Montgomery Scott
Actually you can...just create new laws! Religious and political leaders do it all the time.
"A whore, a witch, and a grizzly walk into a bar..."


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Fall of Septimes Tempus 02010

The Daily Planet        Noon Edition          Sun Oct  2 4:29am                Stardate 10750.685

Topics, keywords...

drug required for executions
Do Facebook ads bug you?
How being critical can add value
The possibilities are endless
SB 1449
8 Bad Habits that Crush Your Creativity
Every young death is a tragedy
Another way to pay
I would nerver want a CEO as governor
Would you hire an undocumented worker?
- Just my opinions...don't hate me for it!
regarding your likes Im not afraid
"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
Dogs diary vs cats diary
RIP Tony Curtis [actor] , Stephen J. Cannell [producer], Tyler Clementi [student]
Topping off news this week...

Died: Stephen J. Cannell who brought us The Rockford Files, The Greatest American Hero, The A-Team, Wiseguy, 21 Jump Street, Silk Stalkings, and The Commish. 

"California ran out of a drug required for executions"- When was the last execution? The last one to use it couldn't replace it? Oh, and why did the judge order the prisoner to decide which 'cocktail' to be used? What would have been the penalty for disobeying the judge? And then, not even to have what he ordered?!

Do Facebook ads bug you? Just got this GREAT tool that blocks them! 
- Download or open Firefox browser
- Download this plugin
- Activate, choosing your language and OK it at the bottom right of the window
Presto!!! Your profile and fan page will be clean.
Happy Friday!
me- One of the things I like about Safari 5.0.1- introduces extensions: add new features. Built by developers.
Readable Facebook removes content such as advertising and the “People You May Know” box from Facebook in the right column.

[the skeptical writer]
hmm forgive me, but I am not sure where to post my comment. CW or WW on FB? or WW? oh well...
Is the glass half full or half empty. I ask 'does the glass exist?' Science dictates that matter [in this case, the glass] is 99% empty space, so there will always be holes, no matter how much time and research you put into it [the written work]. The act of observing makes changes, more so with writing those observations or opinions or professional facts. The changes could, hopefully, be to your liking most of the time. Either way, things will never be as they were [this is part of the Heisenberg effect].
- response to WagnerWrites

As you can see, I pretty much apply physical science to social science, at least on a basic level. I admit, I have yet to achieve the Art rather than just the Science. And beyond that, of course, is the Religion.

SLC wrote- DO NOT COPY ME!!! =)
RR- If I don't copy you, what am I going to Paste?!?

MSS wrote- ~ The possibilities are endless ~
According to quantum physics, everything we do, every decision we don't make, branches into another universe. In the past hour, I have farted four worlds.

CGT writes- SB 1449, a bill authored by Sen. Mark Leno, was signed into law by Gov. Schwarzenegger yesterday! It reclassifies possession of under an ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction ensuring that responsible adults are not labeled as criminals for possessing less than an ounce of a substance that is proven safer than alcohol. WOOT!
RR wonders if this is less than an ounce before or after smoking that brick. [a la Willie Nelson]

- btw does anyone remember the size of the joint Schwarzenegger was smokin'? must been a half-pound!

8 Bad Habits that Crush Your Creativity And Stifle Your Success | Copyblogger
 - These points described my dating habits in a previous life...or reasons for the lack of it!

Thanks Maumi...
[re Tyler Clementi, Rutgers student, suicide]
It is difficult to grasp the death of one so young, more so because was "helped" to get there.
VRW- Every young death is a tragedy. Some are so fragile at that age and some are so cruel.
And how long WILL this tragedy stay in our minds. Only as long as it is news? Will the ones responsible be investigated? the one who had sex with him? the one who posted it? Or will this become a final 30 second blurb? After "police responds to burglary, and shoots family pet- arthritic dog?" be forgotten along with every young victim of a street-side shooting.

He's not the first, you know. There was this teen who committed suicide after her sexual activity was posted. By her friend.

I saw this on the news last night. Another way to pay; another app for a smartphone. More reasons to worry if it's lost or stolen. hmmm I am soon going to have data chips imbedded into my fingers, index for debit, middle for credit, pinkie for use with the sensor in my nose to check my BP, temp, etc.

I would nerver want a CEO as governor or President.
Constituents = Employees = Hunan[s as] Resources.

"...down to the local level..." means 'let them take care of it.'

...Given a choice between a person who knows how to run a compaany, but knows nothing about government, and one who is the opposite, I trust the politican more...sorry. Fact: the governor is only a "say yay or nay" person; the power is in the political parties opposing each other to a stand-still.

As for the mud-slinging, it makes for boring entertainment. If I hear anything more about how bad Brown did as mayor, which is another attack on Oakland, I would hypothetically $*#*&^ her!

Would you hire an undocumented worker?
Yes, I would. if I feel s/he were of good character and looked qualified to do the work. References, especially from anyone I know is better. Anything that require a certified and credentialed professional by law, no I would not. Any document can be forged, so again, I look at the character of the person I am hiring. Every person has a moral right to work and earn wages, even if it is below 'minimum wage.' No one is forced to work, I do not believe in someone saying that 'foreigners' are "stealing Americans' jobs"! Money does not say 'For US Citizens Only."

Just my opinions...don't hate me for it! But if you feel the need to change my mind, i am open [for your eventual exit].

re Meg- she's "buying" votes and bragging that she can do anything she pleases. Her "supporters" are those that will show up in the Lobby when she sits in the high chair! And don't be fooled by her rhetoric...she's a socialist and a fascist!

To Andy- regarding your likes Im not afraid of heights, swimming, or love. Just falling, drowning, and rejection. on FB Like. Falling won't hurt you, just the stopping. As for drowning, just don't take that last breath. 'Tis better to have...yada yada..."

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" - Lynne
JG - easy - FLY!
A genie took 3 people to a cliff and said "You can do anything! Say the name of anything that flies, and jump." The first stepped forward and said "eagle" and soared up into the air. The second said "Supergirl" and zoomed straight up into the sky. The third looked down, took two steps forward and said "oh SHIT!"

Dogs diary vs cats diary
Bwah ha ha ha! Can I hit the Like button 20 times?!? 
1. I have not seen a title written that way since Quinn Martin production TV shows!
2. The dog sound like a. customers, b. those who follow a daily routine...FB, coffee, lunch, FB, TV, dinner, sleep, repeat.
3. Cats are NOT Satan; they are the embodiment of 'free will' - they bit that apple BEFORE Eve did [actually Eve bit it AFTER presenting it to Adam, but that's another story]. They are manipulative, soothing, and can leave anytime, but know a good thing in the long-term [really, I will talk about Eve some other time].
4. The real intelligent species with a purpose are white mice [see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]; but the survivors are the cockroaches. The beginners? amoeba! (wadda you mean by 'split' dude?)

Topping off news this week...
The United States government conducted medical experiments in the 1940s, infecting prostitutes to spread STDs to soldiers, prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala. Today, 'they' said "sorry/"
